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Rivers Edge Meeting Minutes <br />Wednesday, November S, 2006 <br />The Meeting was called to order at 8AM at the Elk River Chamber of Commerce meeting room. <br />Tony, Patti, Bill Houlton, Jeff, Wendy, Heidi, Scott Clark, were in attendance. <br />Treasurer's Report: There is $3406.64 in our treasury <br />Secretary's Report: <br />Old Business: <br />Revitalization plan update: There is a good chance that Flannery will be able to put a crane on <br />the Jackson Square site and not have to interfere with parking on Jackson Avenue during the <br />busy downtown month of December. The Jersey Barriers on the Bank side of Main Street should <br />be coming down around December 1. <br />The City Council will be discussing the assumptions that City Staff has about parking <br />downtown. City Staff (Terry Mauer, Heidi, Cathy, Scott, Jeff Beahen and the Planning <br />Manager) have been meeting to draw about a list of 5 to 10 key assumptions about downtown <br />parking and will present them to the City Council. Wendy suggested that the downtown <br />businesses be invited to the table prior to presenting the assumptions to the City Council so that <br />downtown businesses would have a voice in the process. Scott told us if businesses wanted to <br />add assumptions that they needed to be sent to Heidi or himself by Tuesday or Wednesday prior <br />to the November 20th City Council meeting and they would be added to the list presented to City <br />Council. An example of a Staff assumption is: Do you agree that the King Avenue parking lot <br />should be just customer parking in 2008. <br />Low interest loans for downtown businesses. The City is offering 2 year $25,000 loans for 3% to <br />assist businesses downtown. The loans can be used for operating expenses. The City previously <br />was offering loans to downtown businesses for structural improvements only. <br />Downtown Holiday Open House: Bill Houlton said that 716 Main Street would be available to <br />put Santa in. He would need several days notice to make sure plumbing was functioning <br />properly. We will watch the weather. Our first preference would be to keep Santa outside in his <br />Sleigh by the animals. Garrett will clean out the area behind Diamond City Bread to put Santa <br />out of the wind. MetroPlains has agreed to pay for the animals. The Bank of Elk River has <br />agreed to pay for Santa, First National Financial Services has agreed to pay for the Newspaper <br />insert that will go in all the home delivered Star News papers the Wednesday before the event <br />and HRA funds will be used to put an ad in the Star News that day talking about supporting <br />downtown businesses and the open house. Laura Fryberger, our event planner, is contacting <br />downtown area businesses to invite them to participate and make suggests for promotions at their <br />businesses. Wendy will make signs to put up in the businesses announcing the open house and <br />will get the Open House banner relettered for the side of Kemper Drug. Phil Hals will be <br />contacted about blocking off the first row of parking behind Kemper Drug so that it will be safer <br />for families greeting Santa and the Animals. Downtown businesses will be encouraged to <br />decorate for the holidays. Meryl is checking on new lights for the trees. <br />