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(03) After full consideration of the budget, the Commissioners of the <br />Authority shall approve it and the Chair of the Authority shall submit the <br />budget to the City Council not later than the tenth day of September of <br />each year. <br />ARTICLE 6. <br />SCOPE OF POWERS AND DUTIES <br />6.1) Contracts and Procurement <br />(Ol) All construction work and work of demolition and clearing, <br />contracts for services or for repairs, maintenance and replacements, and <br />every purchase of equipment, supplies or materials and contracts therefor <br />shall be in accordance kith the procurement policies, if any, established <br />by resolution of the Authority. <br />(02) Approval of Contract by Attorney -Except for the purchase of <br />expendable office supplies, no contract shall be made by the Authority <br />through any officer or employee except in writing approved as to form by <br />the attorney for the Authority. <br />(03) Execution of Contracts -Unless other«-ise directed by the <br />Authority or required by the State or Federal agencies furnishing funds to <br />the Authority, all contracts shall be executed on behalf of the Authority <br />by any two of the officers of the Authority, or one officer of the Authority <br />and the Executive Director. <br />6.3) Disbursements <br />(O1) Federal Funds -All funds received from the Government of the <br />United States or any of its agencies shall be disbursed and accounted for <br />in accordance with the regulations or requirements fiom time to time <br />made by the Federal agencies furnishing said funds to the Authority. <br />(02) Official Depository -All monies received by the Authority from any <br />source whatsoever shall be deposited in approved bank accounts of the <br />Authority and shall be disbursed only by check, except that petty cash <br />funds not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100) at any time may be <br />maintained by the Authority. <br />(03) Checks -All checks dra«rn on bank accounts of the Authority shall <br />indicate the fund and, in the case of a project, the project to be charged. <br />All checks shall be signed by the two designated Commissioners of the <br />Authority, or one officer of the Authority and the Executive Director. <br />