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Rivers Edge Meeting Minutes April 9, 2008 <br />Meeting was called to order at 8AM. <br />Treasurer's Report: Jim Reported that there is $1833.42 in Treasury <br />Secretary's Report: Amble parking in the first paragraph needs to be changed to ample <br />parking. Roger Moved to accept the amended minutes, Fred Seconded. The minutes were <br />accepted. <br />City Update. <br />Cathy Mehelich was present and told us that the Cities March parking study of the King <br />Avenue Lot showed Ample parking was available for customers and employees. <br />She also told us that the City would be starting work on the streets downtown on Monday <br />April 28th and that she thought that the plan was to close the intersection on Jackson and <br />Main from Monday May 5th to Friday May 16th. Discussion followed that when John <br />Anderson and Terry Mauer had been at our April meeting they had a tentative date to <br />close the intersection the Monday after Mother's Day. The week before Mother's Day is <br />busy downtown and we had asked that they not close the road until after Mother's Day. <br />Wendy will call Terry and verify the dates that the road will be closed. <br />Stephanie Albin from the Park and Rec Department was present at the meeting and <br />explained that the Park and Rec Department will be interested in Partnering with other <br />groups for activities in the Park during the summer. The exception to this is that Rivers <br />Edge Commons Park will be available to rent out for weddings. At this point the City is <br />working with Thursday night concerts co-sponsored by The Bank of Elk River and First <br />National Financial Services, Yoga in the Park co-sponsored by StudiO2. There will be <br />movies offered again in the fall. The park department is looking at selling towels, t-shirts <br />and magnets on concert nights. The Farmers Market will stay at Lake Orono. The Arts <br />Alliance is planning on being open on Thursday nights and having activities prior to the <br />concerts. <br />Banners Downtown: We need to talk to Bryan Adams from the City about putting <br />banners up on the light poles. Once we find out what kind of banners are acceptable we <br />can look at ordering some to spruce up downtown. We should also ask the City of Elk <br />River if they are interested in partnering in this project. <br />The Downtown Elk River Sign on the Chamber of commerce grass needs to be spruced <br />up and an arrow added pointing downtown. Other cities have decorative and artistic "way <br />finding signs" pointing towards downtown, parks, and schools. We need to look into <br />having signs like that around Elk River. <br />New Business: <br />Flowers/Art/Music/Lights: The lights on the trees on Main Street need to be replaced. <br />Now that the weather is nice, it should be easier to do. Meryl has already purchased the <br />replacement lights. The lights give Downtown a nice atmosphere. We would like to keep <br />them on all year. <br />We would like to get the flowers in pots earlier this year. The pots were left out this <br />winter. We could use a couple of more pots down near the bluffs. Uniquely yours had a <br />pot but it got moved by Thrivent. Meryl buys plants for the pots that can be replanted at <br />Handke Stadium in the fall for their permanent gardens. If you would like to be <br />