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METING OF THE ELK RIVER <br />BOARD OF APPEAL AND EQUALIZATION <br />HELD AT THE SHERBURNE COUNTY GOVERNMENT" CENTER <br />WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2008 <br />Members present: Mayor Klin in , ouncil e bers Ze va , Gumpt rey (6.-31 p.m.), lvlotin, <br />and F arb er <br />IV <br />le hers Absent: None <br />Staff present: City Clerk Tina ward and Executive Secretary/Deputy City Clerk- Jessica <br />Tvlffler <br />Also Present- Sherburne County Assessor Gerald Kxitz eck, Chef Deputy john Cullen, <br />Residential, .:appraisers Greg Olson, Theresa Quinn, and Shelly Murschel, <br />ncultural Specialist Jeanne Henderson, andCommercial/ Indus trial <br />Appraiser Wflliam Riley <br />1 Call 1\4eetin "o Order <br />Pursuant to due cafl and novice thereof, the meeting of the Elk- River Board of Appeal and <br />Equalization was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Klix . . <br />Board of AD12eal and -Equalization <br />Gerald E,-ritzeck,, Sherburne County Assessor, indicated ffiat the purpose of the Board of <br />Appeal and Equalization is to consider and. review 200 estimated market values and <br />property classifications. <br />Information was presented on the assessment procedures and statistics for the City of ELk- <br />R ver 2008 assessments. <br />The Board of Appeal and Equalization heard all appeals prior to making decisions. For recording <br />purposes die decisions have been printed after ench appeal. <br />Dari Fran1din, representing Keith A. Franklin, Parcel Identification `umber <br />75-759-0105 <br />N - 1r. Franklin stated. that he believes the value of $50,500 is too high for a piece of property <br />with a billboard on it. He requested that the property value be reduced to around $20,000. <br />He dicated that he is being taxed mvice for the same location; once for the land and once <br />for the billboard. <br />Nlr. Cullen epained that the lot serves a dual purpose as a drainage lot and a billboard site. <br />Mr. lCritze indicated thatmi this case it would be ,incorrect to include a personal property <br />tax on the billboard because the properV owner also owns the billboard. He stated that the <br />personal property tai; of $5,000 w-ffl be removed. <br />MOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER FARBER AND SECONDED BY <br />COUNCILMEMBER ZERWASTO l A NO CHANGE TO THE ESTIMATED <br />VALUE OF PA 75-759-0105. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />