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go up a week before the intersection closure to make drivers aware of what dates the road <br />will be closed between. <br />The Resurfacing: After the intersection is reopened, it will be protected while Main <br />Street from the Parrish Bridge to Lowell Ave and Jackson Ave between Main Street and <br />Highway 10 are resurfaced. The Edges of the road will be ground down and fresh <br />blacktop will be put on. They will not be applying gravel. The streets will be open while <br />the resurfacing is taking place. Street Parking maybe unavailable on the parts of the <br />streets that they are working on at the time. Jackson Ave may need to be closed for part <br />of one day. The plan is to be done with the intersection work for the Killer Hayseed <br />concert in the Park on Thursday June Stn <br />The Members present at the meeting voted to support the City's plan to improve the <br />intersection at Main and Jackson. It was suggested that Terry send out information on the <br />intersection closing to all of the building owners and business owners in downtown Elk <br />River. <br />New Business: <br />Flowers/Art/Music/Lights: Terry is the point person for more flower pots downtown. <br />The Jackson Place apartments look like they have planters next to the railing. Wendy will <br />contact the MetroPlains leasing agent to see what their plans are for flowers. <br />We discussed having the music from the park spill out into the street when there is <br />entertainment in the park. (Speakers on light poles or at top part of park) Can't always <br />hear the music if you are away from the River. We wouldn't want to do it all of the time, <br />but it would help let people know that there was something happening in the park. <br />With the Arts Alliance moving downtown there is an opportunity to look for getting more <br />"ART" downtown. Possibly have a bench contest like a snoopy contest where people <br />paint benches to look like paintings or ??? Businesses would have to make sure that they <br />were aesthetically pleasing and kept in good condition. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:OSAM <br />