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Planning Commission Minutes <br />December 11, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />7. ONLY TWO (2) OF THE ALLOWED PARK MODEL TRAILER UNITS <br />SHALL VISIBLE FROM HIGHWAY 10. <br />8. IF MORE THAN FIVE (5) PARK MODEL TRAILER UNITS ARE TO BE <br />ON SITE, THE APPLICANT SHALL APPLY FOR AN AMENDMENT TO <br />THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. <br />9. PARK MODEL TRAILER UNITS SHALL NOT BE GREATER THAN 400 <br />SQUARE FEET. <br />10. NO SIGNAGE AND/OR DECORATIONS OF ANY TYPE, SUCH AS BUT <br />NOT LIMITED TO, BANNERS, PENNANTS, FESTOONS, PAINTED <br />WINDOWS AND BALLOONS SHALL BE ALLOWED ON THE PARK <br />MODEL TRAILER UNITS. <br />11. ALL PARK MODEL TRAILER UNITS SHALL BE PARKED ON AN <br />APPROVED SURFACE (NOT LANDSCAPED AREAS). <br />MOTION CARRIED 6-0. <br />5.3. Request by Louck's Associates for Preliminary Plat Approval for Sonic Restaurant Site <br />Public Hearing -Case No. P 07-12 <br />5.4. Request by Louck's Associates for Conditional Use Permit for Restaurant (Sorucl, Public <br />Hearing -Case No. CU 07-31 <br />The staff report was presented by Sheila Cartney. Ms. Cartney stated that the applicant is <br />proposing to construct a Sonic Restaurant, the first in Minnesota, on the former Burger <br />Time site located at Carson Street and Main Street. She reviewed the site layout, requested <br />signage, platting requirement and resulting non-conforming lot status, right of way issues, <br />traffic flow and access issues, and sidewalk easement. Staff recommends approval of the <br />request with the conditions listed in the staff report. <br />Chair Stevens opened the public hearing. There being no public comment, Chair Stevens <br />closed the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Westgaard stated that he supported the request and felt it would be an <br />improvement to the neighborhood. He stated he had some concerns with the traffic flow <br />and access, and felt the right-out access was obsolete. He questioned how delivery traffic <br />would access the site. <br />Barbara Schneider, Botder Foods, representative for the applicant -stated that <br />deliveries would be made multiple times per week, not every day and would access the site <br />from the northern entrance off Carson Street. She stated that deliveries would be made <br />during off-peak hours via a key entry system. Ms. Schneider stated that they have studied <br />the radius turns for deliveries and are workable. <br />Chair Stevens stated he was uncomfortable with the southeast right-out exit being so close <br />to the intersection. <br />Commissioner Austad asked what the applicant has planned for snow storage and removal. <br />Ms. Schneider explained that they are also the landlord of the Pizza Hut and will be able to <br />use the green space for snow storage. She noted that if that is not adequate, they will haul <br />the snow offsite. <br />Commissioner Staul stated that he welcomed them to Elk River and felt it was a good fit for <br />the Burger Time site. <br />