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PLANNING WORKSHOP OF THE ELK RIVER CITY COUNCIL <br />HELD AT THE ELK RIVER CHAMBER OFFICES <br />MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2008 <br />Members Present: Mayor Klinzing, Councilmembers Farber, Gumphrey, Motin, and Zerwas <br />Members Absent: None <br />Staff Present: City Administrator Lori Johnson, Rusty Fifield of the Hoisington Koegler <br />Group Inc. <br />Call Meeting To Order <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the planning workshop of the Elk River City <br />Council was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Mayor Klinzing. <br />2. Consider Council Agenda <br />Rusty Fifield, Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., began the planning workshop by reviewing <br />the issues still outstanding from meeting one including gravel mining, park funding, <br />marketing, transportation funding, affordable housing, interim uses, natural resource <br />inventory, landfill, and financial viability. <br />3. Council Planning Session <br />The Council discussed the natural resource inventory and their desire to increase the number <br />of trees planted including in medians and the importance of having attractive medians that <br />are well maintained and attractive. Staff was requested to present options for the Orono <br />Parkway median at an upcoming meeting. <br />Discussion took place on park funding and the need to develop a source of funding in the <br />absence of park dedication fees. The Council felt that a park referendum was not viable at <br />this time. Staff will bring back a financing plan after the audit is presented. <br />Transportation funding was discussed. The Council expressed concerns that Highways 10 <br />and 169 need improvements now; however, they are not scheduled for improvement by <br />MnDot and no other funding is available. Council stressed the need to stick with the <br />approved design plans once those are completed. <br />The Council discussed affordable housing. The suggested emphasis is to rehabilitate older <br />homes instead of seeking out new affordable housing Council member Motin will inform the <br />HRA of the Council's discussion. <br />Council discussed the landfill, the long-term plan for the landfill, and the fact that a request <br />for an expansion is expected soon. <br />Marketing of the city was discussed including the need for the new community development <br />director to have some marketing background. Discussion continued about what is available <br />to market and what Council wants the focus of that marketing to be. <br />