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Case File: CU 07-09 <br />Page 2 <br />General Information <br />Broadway Pizza <br />Richard Kurth <br />Applicant: Richard Kurth <br />Requested Action Conditional Use Permit A roval <br />Location and Size: Approximately 1.83-acres on the northeast corner of Highway 10 <br />and 167th Avenue. <br />Location Existing Use Land Use Plan Designation Current Zoning <br />Subject <br />Property Commercial Commercial C3 <br />North Commercial Commercial C3 <br />South Commercial Commercial C3 <br />East Commercial Commercial C3 <br />West Residential Residential R1a <br />Overview <br />On August 15, 2005 the applicant received approval for a Conditional Use Permit for an outdoor <br />patio and a 30' x 40' storage building. The 30' x 40' building was never built. It is now the desire of <br />the applicant to construct a 40' x 56' (2,240 sq.ft.) storage building in the same location. The <br />building will be used for general storage of equipment and restaurant supplies. <br />The proposed location of the accessory building is in the northwest corner of the property, 10-feet <br />off of both the north and west property lines. Staff would recommend that the building be located <br />in a manner as to not remove any of the existing trees along the west property line. In doing this, <br />the building will be screened from the adjacent residential uses to the west. On the residential <br />property to the west, adjacent to the proposed building location, is a large accessory structure. The <br />property to the north has a commercial use which has an asphalt area that will be adjacent to the <br />proposed structure. <br />Section 30-938 of the Ciry Ordinance states: In the C-1, C-2 and C-3 districts, the exterior building finish <br />shall consist of at least tzvo of the exterior building finishes, per wall. The proposed building materials are <br />prefinished metal panels with a masonry wainscoting along the south and east facades. Although <br />these materials are approved, they are only being proposed on two sides. Given the fact that the <br />west side of the building is going to be against a tree line, it is not critical to have the second material <br />on the west elevation. The north side is highly visible from adjacent properties and staff would <br />recommend that it have the same wainscoting treatment. <br />S:\PLANNING\Case Files\CUP\CU 07-09 Broadway\CU 07-09_PC.doc <br />