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• PLANNING WORKSHOP OF THE ELK RIVER CITY COUNCIL <br />HELD AT THE ELK RIVER CHAMBER OFFICES <br />MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2008 <br />Members Present: .Mayor Klinzing, Councilmembers Farber, Gumpbrey, Motin, and Zerwas <br />Members Absent: None <br />Staff Present: City Administrator Lori Johnson, Rusty Fifield of the Hoisington Koegler <br />Group Inc. <br />1. Call Meeting To Order <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the planning workshop of the Elk River City <br />Coundl was called to order at 6:25 p.m. by Mayor Klinzing. <br />2. Consider Council Agenda <br />Rusty Fifield, Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., began the planning workshop by going over <br />the objectives, agenda, and ground rules he prepared for the first planning workshop. <br />3. Council Planning Session <br />The council members proceeded to list items of interest and issues they wanted to discuss <br />• during the workshops. The items included finantial viability of the City into the future, <br />gravel mining azea development, gravel mining operations and restrictions on hours, pazk <br />and recreation funding, economic development assistant and community development <br />director positions, marketing the City, transportation funding, affordable housing, natural <br />resource inventory, downtown parking, Citp image, the landfill, code enforcement, sewer and <br />water expansion, promoting success downtown, and relationships with the public and <br />developers. <br />Council held discussion on the image and identity of the City, and a desire to do more <br />marketing to increase the City's visibility. <br />The council next discussed filling the vacant assistant director of economic development <br />position. After discussion, council requested that this be put on council agenda fox February <br />4 fox formal action to fill the position of economic development assistant. Council also <br />directed that filling the community development director position be placed on the February <br />4 agenda for formal action. <br />Council discussed downtown parking, including current and future needs. Discussion on this <br />item will continue at a future date. <br />The council set the next planni ~ workshop for Monday, February 4, 2008. <br />4. Other Business <br />No discussion. <br />• 5. Council Updates <br />