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Rivers Edge Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, August 8, 2007 <br />The meeting was called to order at 8AM in the Chamber of Commerce Meeting Room. Present: <br />Jim Rudolph, Patti Hipsag, Wendy Simenson, Roger Hebeisen, Dave Rymanowski, John <br />Houlton, Tony Mikols, Patrick Grace, Heidi Steinmetz <br />Treasurers Report: Jim Reported that there is $1,921.16 in the treasury. At this time we have <br />only received dues from the following: Antiques Downtown, Elk River Chiropractic, Kemper <br />Drug, Cliff Lundberg and The Bank of Elk River. (Please send your dues in to Jim Rudolph at <br />the Bank of Elk River or Drop off at Kemper Drug) <br />We are still waiting on payment for the ArtSoup Trolley from MetroPlains Management and <br />C&S Builders. <br />Secretary's Report: minutes were corrected to change the last secretary's report that John <br />seconded the motion to accept them and it was actually Bill who seconded the motion. Minutes <br />were accepted. (Roger moved, Dave Seconded) <br />Old Business: <br />City Update: Heidi told jus that the fence around Jackson Place will possibly be down by late <br />September and the street restored to two way traffic. The Bluffs are waiting to receive a <br />certificate of occupancy for people to move in. <br />Planters to Mums: Meryl wants direction on planting Mums after Labor Day. Her goal is to <br />move the roses to Handke Stadium and replace them with Mums. The Mums she will purchase <br />will be ones that will withstand the winter. Meryl will ask businesses to "Adopt a Pot" for $20. <br />The adoption papers say that the business promises to water the pot a minimum of twice weekly <br />and has the option of bringing the mum home after Halloween or will allow Meryl to plant it in <br />the Handke Stadium Perennial Garden. The adoption also states that Meryl will assure the <br />business of getting your flower pot back next spring. <br />Street Dance/Sidewalk Sale: August 18`h is the scheduled date. Fred is looking for people to help <br />at the gate. Price will be $6 at night. Main Street will be closed between the Park and McCoys. <br />The Music will have to be on the street. Talk to the City about turning off the water in the park at <br />dark to prevent mishaps. Last year we split the advertising in the Star/News with McCoys. A <br />motion was made by Jim and seconded by Roger to help pay for the ad. The motion carried. Fred <br />is going to get a sidewalk sale/street dance banner printed to hang on the side of Kemper Drug. <br />Parking Discussion Recap from July Meeting with Scott Clark and Chief Beahen: Karen Attiya, <br />Beth Ramsey, Marcy VanValkenburg, Sharon Hvorka and Wendy met with Scott Clark and <br />Chief Beahen to discuss ways to make parking in the King Ave Lot more business friendly. <br />Karen said that not having parking for the apartments above Old Main was causing problems <br />with getting renters. Many of us have part time employees or people that only need parking 2 <br />days a month and it would be helpful to have designated spots for parking rather than having to <br />try and pass permits back and forth. Some businesses have employees that start work before <br />6AM and the lot is posted no parking then. <br />Scott Clark and Chief Beahen listened to our concerns but could not make any changes in the <br />parking rules at this time. When the parking study is presented it will hopefully shed more light <br />on these issues. <br />