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~~~ <br />. a'~^ <br />tver <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Economic Development Authority <br />FROM: Catherine Mehelich, Director of Economic Development <br />DATE: November 13, 2007 <br />SUBJECT: Update on Restaurant Recruitment <br />Over the past two months staff has completed the following activities with regard to the <br />EDA's desire for restaurant recruitment: <br />Researched and developed a comprehensive listing of restaurants and contact <br />information. <br />Researched and developed inventory of available commercial property and lease <br />space for distribution and posting on City website. <br />Distributed direct mail letter, sites inventory and community information to over 80 <br />restaurant contacts (see list attached). <br />Staff will be responding to inquiries generated as a result of the direct mailing and referring <br />prospective restaurants to the various sites available. An update on inquiries received will be <br />provided to the EDA on a periodic basis; however the success of the marketing campaign <br />will be difficult to accurately measure since many of the inquiries may be directly received by <br />the commercial property contact rather than through the city. EDA Commissioners should <br />notify staff of any additional restaurants to add to the distribution list for mailing. <br />S:\EDA\Marketing\Restaurant Marketing\I 1.13.07 EDA update.doc <br />