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Planning Commission Minutes <br />January 9, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />aware of the desire of the community for fine dining restaurants, and that a restaurant which <br />is also located in Arbor Lakes is waiting to see what happens with Aldi's, since restaurants <br />need the traffic. He stated that the overall truck traffic pattern would be the same if another <br />junior box tenant were to locate on the site. He stated that Aldi's will likely have one truck a <br />day to the site, and only takes 20 minutes to one hour to unload and be on their way, <br />depending on what type of delivery it is (dairy, produce, dry goods, etc.). He stated that the <br />retail use has been approved. He noted they have added details, the trellis, and more green <br />elements to continue the community friendly development theme. <br />Kent Peabody, 11713 200 Avenue NW -Stated that when fences are built, the good side <br />is given to the neighbor, but they are getting the back side of Aldi's. He felt the use would <br />be annoying, and they would see employees smoking out the back door, and multi-colored <br />dumpsters lined up. He stated that the taxpayers own the common areas of the city and they <br />should be able to post the road as a 3-ton road, thereby keeping out the trucks. He felt there <br />should be ordinances in place to prevent idling and litter and stiff fines for noncompliance. <br />He stated that this is not a Northwoods theme, such as has been done in Cross Lake, which <br />has an outdoor flavor. He stated that these types of developments must be planned, and not <br />just a dream. <br />There being no further public comment, Chair Lemke closed the public hearing. <br />Conunissioner Offerman stated that he did not feel this project comes anywhere near close <br />to the design standards and he could not support it. He felt that the developer could easily <br />get another tenant if the building were to conform to the design standards. He stated he <br />could not believe a Class I restaurant was waiting on Aldi's approval. He felt the revised <br />plans have taken away from progress made, not added to it. He stated that he felt the <br />exposure of the HVAC was not appropriate, and that the massing and scale of the plan was <br />not in keeping with the design standards and he was in favor of a recommendation for <br />denial. <br />Commissioner Stevens stated that he was tired of the harping on Aldi's and that there were <br />no conditions set as to who comes first, second or third to the site. He stated that Aldi's is a <br />permitted retail use, and that he would like to have the three and a half hours of his life back <br />spent discussing Aldi's as the tenant. <br />Commissioner Westgaard stated that he concurred with Commissioner Offerman. He stated <br />it was his fear that as they continue to review buildings in this development, the design <br />standards will become more watered down. He felt the entire building needs to comply with <br />the design standards. He did not feel the drawings and architectural renderings met the <br />design standards and he could not support the request. <br />Commissioner Ropp stated that he felt it was hard to take Aldi's out of the equation, since <br />he has seen Aldi's stores, but that it was not their decision to make whether or not Aldi's was <br />a viable business. He did not feel the design met the Northwoods theme. He did not feel <br />the type of restaurants located in Arbor Lakes would locate here. Commissioner Ropp <br />stated he would not support approval. <br />Mr. Barnhart stated that he understood the comments regarding the zero lot line, lack of <br />buffering, and extension of the wall, but that he was not sure how the design did not meet <br />the Commissioner's expectations regarding the design standards. He asked that they clarify <br />what is missing. He stated that a buffer was not originally required, but that it could be <br />