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Planning Commission Minutes <br />March 13, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />Mr. Masterson stated that his concern is visibility, due to the way the building is situated on <br />the lot. He stated that the wall signage and monument sign would not be visible from <br />Highway 10. Mr. Masterson stated he felt that, considering the site plan was already <br />approved, the request should not be subject to the moratorium. Ms. Cartney stated that an <br />actual sign permit was not received prior to the approval of the moratorium. Discussion <br />followed regarding the location of the sign. <br />Commissioner Anderson stated that the Commission must look at the PUD standards, even <br />though the signage would not be an issue if the site were zoned C3. Also, the Commission <br />must consider the moratorium. He stated he supported staff's recommendation for denial, <br />based on the findings that the request is not consistent with the PUD standards and the <br />moratorium placed by the Council. <br />Commissioner Stevens stated he concurred with Commissioner Anderson. He agreed that <br />the Commission should support what was approved in the PUD agreement, and he did not <br />see a reason to change it at this time. <br />Commissioner Scott stated that it appears the applicant is trying to be a good neighbor. He <br />did not understand what the rush was, and why the decision for the sign needs to be made <br />now. <br />MOTION BY COMMISSIONER STEVENS, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER <br />ANDERSON, TO RECOMMEND DENIAL OF THE REQUEST BY <br />MISSISSIPPI RIDGE, LLC TO AMEND THE PUD SIGN REQUIREMENTS, <br />CASE NO.OA 07-03, BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: <br />1. THE REQUEST DOES NOT MEET THE EXISTING PLANNED UNIT <br />DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. <br />2. IT IS INAPPROPRIATE TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL FOR THIS SIGN <br />UNTIL THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL HAVE <br />COMPLETED THEIR WORK RELATIVE TO THE SIGN MORATORIUM. <br />Chair Lemke stated that he was in favor of the signage request, but that he also had concerns <br />with the sign moratorium. <br />Mr. Rohlf stated he disagreed with Commissioner Anderson regarding not allowing a <br />deviation from the approved PUD standards, since PUD's are chosen because of their <br />flexibility. He stated that the request would not be injurious to anyone, and that it was not <br />unreasonable. He felt the Planning Commission could act on the request and that if they do <br />not, they were getting way too hung up on the moratorium. He disagreed with staff's <br />finding that the sign request was not submitted prior to the moratorium. <br />MOTION CARRIED 6-0. <br />6.1. Update on Febniary 20, 2007 City Council Meeting <br />Commissioner Stevens provided an update on the February 20, 2007 City Council meeting. <br />