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Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 <br />July 10, 2007 <br />--------------------------- <br />report to the Commission dated July 16, 2007. <br />Chair Stevens opened the public hearing. <br />Steven Anderson, Franklin Advertising -Stated that a 30 sq. ft. sign was probably too <br />small. <br />Peter Masterson, Greater Minnesota Credit Union, 555 Railroad Dtive -Stated he <br />supported the signs that are currently in the city. He stated he would like the information <br />from a 1980 Small Business Administration study on record regarding traffic and signs. He <br />explained that the study concludes that the types of electronic signs in question are not <br />detrimental to safety. He stated that the study states that electronic signs in some cases <br />reduced accidents and there were no accident claims involving electronic message signs. <br />There being no further comments from the public, Chair Stevens closed the public hearing. <br />Chair Stevens stated that if an applicant felt a 30 square foot sign was undersized, they would <br />have the opportunity to apply for a conditional use permit for a larger sign. <br />Commissioner Anderson stated that the sign moratorium was not hinged on safety only, but <br />also the impacts on adjacent residents who have described living next to the signs as a "Las <br />Vegas" feeling. He stated that the issue has to do with livability and a sense of community. <br />Chair Stevens stated that the Commission was not aware there were traffic studies available <br />and asked that Mr. Masterson forward the information to staff. Commissioner Anderson <br />stated that he felt the biggest issue is impacts on neighboring residents. <br />MOTION BY COMMISSIONER WESTGAARD AND SECONDED BY <br />COMMISSIONER ANDERSON TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE <br />ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO ADDRESS SIGNS AS OUTLINED IN THE <br />STAFF REPORT TO THE COMMISSION DATED JULY 10, 2007. MOTION <br />CARRIED 5-0. <br />5.9. Repuest by Alliance Machine for Ordinance Amendment Regarding Accessory Structures <br />Case No. OA 07-07 -Public Hearin <br />Mr. Barnhart stated that the public hearing for this request was continued to the July 10, <br />2007 meeting, and asked that Chair Stevens open the public hearing for comment. There <br />were no public comments. Chair Stevens continued the public hearing to the August 14th <br />Planning Commmission meeting. Mr. Barnhart stated that staff will provide updated <br />information at the August 14th meeting. <br />Other Business -None <br />Adjournment <br />There being no further business, MOVED BY COMMISSIONER WESTGAARD TO <br />ADJOURN THE MEETING. <br />The meeting of the Elk River Planning Commission adjourned at 9:55 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />