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MEETING OF THE ELK RIVER BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS <br />HELD AT ELK RIVER CITY HALL <br />TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2007 <br />Present: Chair Stevens, Commissioners Austad, Lemke, Scott, Staul and Westgaard. <br />Commissioner Anderson arrived at 6:32 p.m. <br />bets Absent: None <br />St~ff Present: Planning Manager Jeremy Barnhart, Senior Planner Sheila Cartney, Planner <br />Chris Leeseberg, Recording Secretary Debbie Huebner <br />Call Meeting To Order <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the meeting of the Elk River Board of Adjustments <br />was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair Stevens. <br />2. Consider May 8, 2007 Board of Adjustments Agenda <br />MOVED BY COMMISSIONER WESTGAARD AND SECONDED BY <br />COMMISSIONER LEMKE TO APPROVE THE MAY 8, 2007 BOARD OF <br />ADJUSTMENTS AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. <br />Consider March 13, 2007 Board of Adjustments Minutes <br />MOVED BY COMMISSIONER SCOTT AND SECONDED BY <br />COMMISSIONER LEMKE TO APPROVE THE MARCH 73, 2007, BOARD OF <br />ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. <br />4. Consider Recluest by Kevin Anderson for Lot Size Variance Case No V 07-03 Public <br />He- arm <br />Planning Manager Jeremy Barnhart reviewed details of the request by Kevin Anderson <br />including size and location of the property. He noted that there are a number of homes in <br />the immediate area with lots less than 2'/z acre, and that there are no homes within 250 feet <br />of the proposed building site. Mr. Barnhart stated that he suggested the applicant minimize <br />the variance by splitting the property more equally, but this was not acceptable to the <br />applicant. He noted that the southern portion of the property falls within the Wild & Scenic <br />River District which requires 2.5 acres for non-riparian lots. In order to split the property, <br />the applicant would be required to show where two septic fields could be located on each <br />property. Mr. Barnhart reviewed the five criteria for granting a variance. Staff <br />recommended denial of the variance due to the fact the request does not meet the criteria. <br />Chair Stevens asked if the platted lots were also in the R1a zoning district. Mr. Barnhart <br />stated yes, but that the lots were platted under the township rules before the area was <br />included in the city limits. He stated that the lots are nonconforming and are allowed to <br />remain as is. <br />Chair Stevens opened the public hearing. <br />