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AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS <br /> COUNTY OF SHERBURNE ) <br /> Elizabeth Harris,being duly sworn on oath says that she is the General Manager of the <br /> Newspaper known as the Star News,and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated <br /> below: <br /> ORDINANCE 07-00 (A)The Newspaper has complied with allof the requirements constituting qualifications <br /> CITY OF ELK RIVER as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statue 331 A.02,331 A.07 and other <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING <br /> THE CITY OF ELK RIVER applicable laws, as ammended. <br /> ZONING MAP TO REZONE <br /> CERTAIN PROPERTIES TO (B) The printed Ordinance, which is attached was cut from the columns of said <br /> PUD(PLANNED UNIT newspaper and was printed and published once a week for one week;it was first published <br /> DEVELOPMENT)O.NO. 07-0 on Wednesday,the 27th day of June,2007,and was therefore printed and published on ever <br /> CASE I�O,_ZC 07-04 Y> Y p'� p Y <br /> The City Council of the City,of Wednesday to and including Wednesday,the 27th day of June,2007,and printed below is a <br /> Ells River does hereby ordain as co of the lower case alphabet from A to Z,both inclusive,which is hereby acknowledged <br /> follows: copy p Y g <br /> Section is hhe duly `adopted as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice <br /> Zoning Map of the City of'Elk <br /> River is hereby;amended to rezone <br /> to PUD the properties described <br /> as: abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz <br /> Lot 1;Block 1,Ar-Mon Commer- <br /> cial Park <br /> Section 2.The rezoning is being <br /> approved based on the following <br /> idings: <br /> t.THE REQUEST IS CONSIS- <br /> TENT'WTH ADJACENT ZON- <br /> ING AND USES: <br /> 2.THE ZONING IS CONSIS- <br /> TENT WITH TIDE LAND USE, <br /> Sectiow3.That this Ordinance' General Manager <br /> shall take effect and be in full <br /> force from and after the'date of its <br /> publication. Subscribed and sworn to before me on <br /> Passed and'adopted this 18th <br /> day of June 2007, by the City ; this 27th day of June,2007 <br /> Council of the City of Elk River. <br /> Stephanie A.Klinzing <br /> Mayor <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Tina Allard,City Clerk 1 C;1(ell:°f 40,.S01°lM$r'5K1 <br /> (Jn27) l� l� a ZIOK , 4 h <br /> qv <br /> tBt£GicSQ� <br /> w{ as,v mycomminimtE~y{lires3nn 31, 10 <br /> Notary Public <br /> RATE INFORMATION <br /> (1) Lowest classified rate paid by $ 28.80 <br /> commercial users for comparable space <br /> (line,word or inch rate) <br /> (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the $ 14.85 <br /> above matter (line,word or inch rate) <br /> (3) Rate actually charged for the above $ 14.85 <br /> matter <br /> (line, word or inch rate) <br />