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<br />Sketch And Description For: STEPHANIE KLINZING - ZACZKOWSKI
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<br />Job No.' 6,,9'1"1 Book/Pege' N/~
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<br />Scale: ~ Date: 4/,.,./'." -7tH,-
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<br />o Denotes iron pipe set wUh II plastic
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<br />
<br />PARCEL H (original parcel):
<br />
<br />The East Half of the Northeast Quarter of
<br />Section 14, Township 33. Range 26. Sherburne
<br />County, Minnesota.
<br />
<br />'1
<br />
<br />Containing 79.85 ac,res, mor-e or less. Subject
<br />to that part taken for County Road No. 33. al~o
<br />known as 209th Avenue N.W.. along the south lin~
<br />thereof. Also subject to other easements of
<br />record. if any.
<br />
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<br />PARCEL #2 (present homesite):
<br />
<br />That part of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Northeast Quarter of Section 14. Township 33,
<br />Range 26. Sherburne County, Minnesota, described
<br />as Beginnina at a point on the South line of
<br />said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
<br />462 feet east of the Southwest eorner thereof;
<br />thence north parallel with the Veat line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Northeast. Quarter 660;
<br />thence east parallel with said South line 330
<br />feet; thence soutn parallel with said West line
<br />a distance of 660 feet, more or less, to said
<br />South line af ehe Sauth.east Quarter of the
<br />Northeast Quarter; thence west on said South
<br />line 330 teet to the paint of beginning.
<br />
<br />Containing S acres, lIore or less. Subject to
<br />that part taken for County Road No. 33, also
<br />known as 209th Avenue N.W.. along the sauth. line
<br />thereaf. Also subject to other easements of
<br />record, if any.
<br />
<br />PARCEL 13 (to be sold):
<br />
<br />The South 398 feet of the tastHalf of the
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of
<br />the Northeast Quarter of Section 14, Township
<br />33, Range 26, Sherburne County, Minnesota.
<br />
<br />Containing 3 acres, more or less. Subject to
<br />that part taken for County Road No. 33. also
<br />known as 209thAvenue N.W., along the soueh line
<br />thereof. Also subject to other easements of
<br />record. if any.
<br />
<br />PARCEL '4 (remnant):
<br />
<br />The East Half of the Northeast Quarter of
<br />Section .14, Township 33, Range 26. Sherburne
<br />County, Minnesota. EXCEPTING thereftoll the twO
<br />following described parcels:
<br />
<br />1) That part of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Northeast Quarter of said Section 14
<br />described as Besinning at a point on the
<br />South line of said Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Northeast Quarter 462 feet east of the
<br />Southwest corner thereof; thence north
<br />parallel with the West 11ne of said Southeast
<br />Quarter of tne Northe!Uit Quarter 660; thence
<br />east parallel with said South line 330 feet;
<br />thence south paTallel with said West l'ine a
<br />distance of 660 feet, lDare ar less. to said
<br />South line of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Northeast Quarter; thence vest on said South
<br />line 330 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />
<br />2) The South 398 feet of the East Half of the
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of
<br />said Northeast Quarter of Section 14.
<br />
<br />Containin, 71.8S acres, more or less. Subject
<br />to that part taken for County Road No. 33, also
<br />known as 209th Avenue N.W., along the south line
<br />thereof. Also. subject to other easements of
<br />record, if any.
<br />
<br />I hereby certify that this Sketch and Descr-iption
<br />was prepared by me or under my direct supervision,
<br />and that I am. a duly licensed Land Sur-weyor under
<br />the laws of the State of Minnesota. It is
<br />understood and agreed that this sketch has been
<br />prepared from information available tr-om v8t'ious
<br />sources, and that .!!.2. survey has been made, nor have
<br />any stakes been set for the purpose af establishing
<br />property lines or corners. No lia-bility 1s assumed
<br />except to the client for whom this Sketch and
<br />Descr1ptionwas prepared, his heirs. and assigns,
<br />and said liability is assumed only for the actual
<br />cost of this Sketch and Description. Alteration of
<br />the above description will voidth. liability of
<br />the surveyor. Be it also. understood that in the
<br />event that this description is ever actually
<br />surveyed that the lines so described may not match
<br />the linesupan the ground where you no... presum~
<br />them to be.
<br />
<br />
<br />~B~~
<br />
<br />By: JohliO. - Oliver, Land Surveyor
<br />Kinnesota Lie. No. 8194
<br />Date: August 12. 1993
<br />
<br />John OOver & Associate$, /nc.
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