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<br />774-6021 MAIER STEWART ASSOC. <br /> <br />124 P19 <br /> <br />APR 21'93 15:19 <br /> <br />. <br />. the leaders shall be controll~d so no erosion occurs in the pervious areas. <br /> <br />8.13 Inspection and maintenance. All stann water manalement facilities shaD be designed to <br />minimize the need or maintenancc, to provide access for maintenance purposes and to be <br />structurally" sound. All stor:m water management facilities shall have a plan of operation and <br />maintenance that assures continued effective removal of poJlutaDts carried in stonn _ater <br />runoa. The director of public works, or designated representa~ shaD inspect aU storm <br />water management facilities during construction, during the first year of operation, and at <br />least once every fIVe years thereafter. The inspection records wilt be kept on file at the <br />public works department for a period of 6.yean. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant <br />10 obtain any necessary easements or other property interests to allow access to the storm <br />water management Cacilities Cor inspection and maintenance purposes. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />8.14 ModeJs/methodolol!ies/computations. Hydroloiic models and dcsilJ1 methodologies used Cor <br />the determination of runoff and analysis of storm water manalement structures shall be <br />approved by the dlreetor or public works. Plans, specification and computations Cor storm <br />water management [acilities submitted for review shall be sealed and signed by a registered <br />proCessional engineer. All computations shall appear Oft the plaos submitted for review, <br />unless otherwise approved by the director or public works. <br /> <br />8.1S Watershed manaeement plans/Jroundwater m8na~ement plan,. Stann water management <br />plans shall be consistent with adopted watel$hed management plaus and groundwater <br />management plans prepared in accordance with Minnesota Statutes section 1038.231 and <br />103B.255 respectively, and as approved by the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources <br />in accordance with stale law. <br /> <br />8.16 Easements. If a stonn water management plan involves direction of some or all runoff 0[[ _ <br />of the site, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain Crom adjacent property <br />owners any necessary easements or other property interests concerning nowage of water. <br /> <br />9. LAWN FERTILIZER REGULATIONS <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />9.1 Use of imDervious surfaces. No person shall apply fertilizer to or deposit Jf8J\.'i clippings. <br />leaves, or other \leietative materials on impervious surfaces, or within storm water drainage <br />systems, natural drainage ways, or within wetland buffer areas. <br /> <br />92 Unfmprovedland areas. Except for driveways, sidewalb, patios, areas ~pied by structures <br />or areas which have been improved by landscaping, all areas sbaU be COYercd by plants or <br />vegetative growth. <br /> <br />9.3 Fertilizer contenL Except Cor the first growing seasoD ror newly established turf areas~ no <br />person shaD apply Uquid fertilizer which contains more than ooe-haIf pcReDt by weight of <br />phosphorus, or granular fertilizer wbich contaias more lIwl three perceIlt by weight or <br />phosphorus, unless the smile application is less than or equal to oDe.tenth pound or <br />phosphorus per one thousand square feeL Annual application amount shaD not exceed onc- <br />half pound or phosphorus per one thousand square feet of lawn area. <br /> <br />Buffer zone. Fertilizer applications shaU not be made within one rod (16.5 feet) or any <br />wetland or water resource. [17zis distance is consistelll with the draft tula tIne/oped by ~ <br />Boord of Water and Soil Resources unt:ler the Wedtlnt1 Coruervanon Act of 1991.) <br /> <br />9.4 <br /> <br />to. PENALTY <br /> <br />Any person. firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance sball be lined nClI less than <br />....__ .1_11__ ___ _....... ....... rtV.. "'....,f...... 1'1....11..._ r".. ......l. ,.Fr...... .......... .__......... _n'..._...... _'-All ~ <br />