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<br />* ADVANCE IJl{OGIWVI * <br /> <br />~ . <br /> <br />_____TJI.oZ.iroi:Z~:.'~~...._ <br /> <br />- , ~~~UHl;~., ~;~~{CII 6 <br /> <br />r;-...._..;,,'tUJi:~,...!~~. '''.W ,_ ..YT:..;a&.:.'0:7~~~ <br />.....-:zI,__.__oM.;lIo____ <br /> <br />l'OIJ<;Y COMMrlTEE SI~"SION ANI> <br />I\IEETh"iGS <br />Saturday mornin!:, ;I ~pl'rial poliry ses- <br />sion will he wndulted rblin!: with <br />such is.sul'S as l11aking our Wl11l11unilies <br />s;lfer. (1)fl\"enin!: our l'conomy. infr:I~' <br />tnJclU~ ;lI1d l'rononlic dew)opl11enl. <br />and ll'l'hnolo!:ical alll'ann:s. ll1is ses- <br />sion will he Ii .lIowed hy policy conllllil- <br />ll'\: husiness I11l'l'lings in the alierlllKJIl. <br />OUI of lheir ddiht'ralion~, earh wmmil- <br />lee will dewlop a ft'l'X 1I1 idenlifying lhl' <br />key prohkms and issnl's lhal '\I.( <br />should address over Ihe l'Ourse of the <br />rear, thc polky option~ that Ou!:11l10 hc <br />sludir'lIIO addl'l'ss \,';Ilh major prohlem, <br />;lnd lhe sperilk. successfulexperielK'cs <br />of individu;lll'ilics ;lI1d [Owns on whidl <br />to huild in drwlopin!: a n;ltiol1:ll policy <br />position, <br /> <br />* Energy, Em'ironl11l'nl and Nalur:11 <br />ReSOUKes <br /> <br />* Fin;lI1re, ;\dll1inislr~lIion ;lnd <br />Imergm'Cfnl11enlal Hcblions <br /> <br />* COl11munity ;lI1d [wnolllk: <br />DcwloplllCIll <br /> <br />* HUlllan Dcwloplllelll <br /> <br />* Tr:lI1spon;lIion ;lI1d ConllnUniGltions <br /> <br />LJ.:_....~____....~:...u.. '-0;-'-....'-'1.., =-...,r;;._-"_~h:Jh..-r~. <br />.....~J.=-.....~'...,""'""{-~_._ -.~..~~ <br /> <br />SUNDAY, MARCH 7 <br /> <br />M'"~"'f'"_~.-_.1.:!l...O. ...:..tJ:....._~...::f"..&'......~~ <br />.1"-- ........ .LoL.....-"F <br /> <br />CELEBRATE DIVERSITY BREAKFAST <br />7:30 (/,III.-9:W (/./11. <br />RegistrJtion Icl': 5 I:; (520 on-site) <br /> <br />Dcleg;lles and guests at thc <br />Congrl'S.sional Cily ConferenH.' ;Ire invit- <br />ed to 'Celehrale Din:rsilY and ~Iulti- <br />CulturJlisl11 in Al11eriLI"s Cilies and <br />Towns" at lhe 1Illh annual hreakfasl <br />sponsoR'll hy four of i\I.Cs l'Onslilucncy <br />groups: Asian I'alifir :\JIIericlIl <br />Muniripal Ollkials, llispanir Ehted <br />Local Officials. ;\ational Illark Cauru~ of <br />uK:!1 Elelled Officials, and \\clIllt:n in <br />~Iunicipal GO\crnml'l1t. <br />A gUl'Sl speaker will addres~ the <br />issue of "rhiklren and families", the <br />I(Ka) point of lhe work of i\LC's <br />Auvi.sory Counri! in 1992. Evcryone is <br />invited to attend. An ath'anre fee of <br />$15 will he ch;uged (520 on-site). <br /> <br />SPECL\L PLENARY SESSIO:'<i: <br />COMMUNn1' REL\TIONS AND <br />PAKllClI''''110N <br />9:rXJ /1./1/. - /():, j(} 11111_ <br /> <br />1.(.1.:11 dl'lll'd 1~lil-ial, Irolllsmall and <br />IIIl.1.lilllll ..i/....! tilil" will jIlin wilh Il'ad- <br />ing n:llionall'xpens to dist'lIS.' the <br />restorJtion of Sl'l'llriIY :lnd a reneweu <br />sense of l,'Onullunity. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />DELEGATFS LUNCHEON <br />Onl' of Sl'Wr:ll opfllll1unitics to hl'ar <br />frol1llc;lding Congfl'Ssional ;md <br />Adminislr:lliOIl ollidals on kl'}' urhan <br />is.sucs_ <br /> <br />.....J _,..i...~-';'. ..~~.~ ....~~:I;._____O::'.'........ <br />...-::!.__", ~~~ _ ,,. c"'"- <br /> <br />MONDAY, MARCH 8 <br /> <br />~.;.r~;:.~~~""'~;I[.~~ <br />~~ ~... <br /> <br />PRIORITIES GENER,\L SESSION <br />NLCs prl'sidenl will oUllilll' thc Lcaguc's <br />lohhying prioritics for 1993. <br /> <br />WORKSHOPS <br />Morning and aftt'rnlKlIl work.shops will <br />c()\'cr key k'gi,btiwand regubtol)' <br />i~sUt", lhl' illlpOIUllt jloliry ma"l'I" in <br />CongR'S.S and the eXl'lll1in: hrandl. and <br />thl' flIlints to cmphasize in lohhying. <br /> <br />DELEGATES'LUNOIEON <br />A l'Ongrl'~'ion:llleader will .'l't fonh <br />urhan \-ic\\'flIlinls Oil kt'y issul's. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />&'1..-. -""_...__-_.-r..~~~'.._~~,..............~ <br />~~--~ ~......... <br /> <br />TUESDAY, MARCH 2 <br /> <br />...~~-~........ <br />,.- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Town Ml'l'tinl,JS ami Congressional \'i..its <br />on C;lpitolllilI: lclwn ml'l'lings \\ill he <br />condulll'll on Capitol (liII with ranking <br />Congfl'S.'ional ml'mhe~. followcd ",' <br />sl;lIc ll1unidp:IIIc;lguc meetings wilh <br />wngrcssional uclegations tlll'mpha..i/e <br />loral \'ie\\'s on key is.SUl'S. Consult yom <br />league dift'rtor ahout srhl'l.luling \I <br />you would like !'<LC to sdll'duk an <br />appoinllllcnt for you on the I Ii II during <br />Ihe ronfl'rcnre. raIl (1()2) (l.ZI1-j010 <br />hcl(lre the ml'Cling. Any appointments <br />made 11,- ;\I.C ll1ust he wnfirull'll hefore <br />thc ml~ting_ Shullle hus sl'rvkc will he <br />prO\'idl'd froll1thc lIiltonllolcllo the <br />C;lpilolllill, <br /> <br />WlAIG ANNUAL DUES CHECK Off <br />If you are inlcresll'll in joining NI.C's <br />\\()mL'I1 in Muniripal Go\'Crnmenl, you . <br />may simpl}' dlL'Ck the appropriatc hox <br />on the n.'gi.S1r:Jtion fonn anu include the <br />UUL'S with \,our coofefL'I1ce rL1:is1r:lIion <br />payml'l1l. dlL'Cks shoukl he made <br />payahle to the Nalional Lc:1!,'Ue of Cities. <br />