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<br />.. ........- -_. ,..,........WiJ"r I~. ... ':W .iIU~t.~ ~".r..:. t.:'I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />* NEW FACES NEW CHAllENGES, <br />AND t6UGH CHOICES <br /> <br />n n Non:ml~r. Iht' AIIIl'riClIl p""plt. <br />Vf~l~llo make ;1 11"\\ hq(illllln!:, <br />"'ore Ihan IlX) milli"n \'I~l'r; in filit.s ;lIltl <br />I"wn, ;Ilms.s Ihl' fflUIIII)' St'11I aslmll!: II"'~- <br />S;I/.'(' of dtlll/.'t: hy dellill): alkll~Ilr.llilpll'S- <br />ilkm for Ihl' fiN liml' in I! }l'als, prm itlill!( <br />lor Ihe m"slmassiw lhall!:l" in II.... CC~I!:n."S <br />in four llt'fatll". anti sWl'l'pin): in an unpn.'ll'- <br />tll'I1ll'd numlll'r of \\Hllt'n. Alrit';III-;\IlIl'ril'ans. <br />anti lIi'panKs 10 Ihl' lIouSt' ;mtl ~IUll'. <br /> <br />Fur munifipal kadl'r;. Ihl' IIl'W plesi- <br />dt'nl and fh;lll/.'t:S in Ihe (11I1):Il''' (llllld lIlean <br />:ml'mllo Ihl' Witllol'k ;Ind eXl'han!:in!: hblllt' <br />f(1I1111'ddkil anti l~()lllllnif pnNl'IIl.s. ;\ <br />ocw erJ of afl'OUlllahilily and dtlllt'n/.'t: \\ ill <br />I~):in - alewry hd of /:owmllll'n1 in <br />eWI)' p"n of. lllr II;Ilion. <br /> <br />11". I<),),~ C'"1):ll'S.sional Cil}' <br />C"'l1l'e. whil'h willl~ hdd in <br />\\';I,hin/:lon, D.C. fmm Maldl (}.I). prnritb a <br />limdy f~)Il<'rtUllily for Ihl' 1c;lllt'r; oflhe <br />n;lIi"n's l'ilit'S antllowns 10 ,shall' inf(.nn;lIion. <br />(Hinl' priorilit'S. anti l'st;lhlish a siron/: pll'S- <br />l'1ll'l' ;IS l'il:11 P;lrtOCIS in Ihl' pnll'l'SS of <br />It'huildinl( Aml'lifa. <br /><ii\'t'n Ihe l'lI\'inllllllt'nl f~' dunge in <br />\\;lshinl(lon and Ihl' nl'l'(ls of Olll l ilil'S ;1IIt1 <br />Im\ ns. \'Oll (':IIU1(~ affllld 10 miss Ihis iml'or' <br />l:llll wofl'rl'nl'l'. 111is Yl':lr', mt't:ling plm itit's <br />a uniqlll' opportunity II~ <br /> <br />. "anit'ip;IIl' in disfUssions wilh ll'atll'r; of <br />11ll' new Auministr.llion ahoul kIl'al <br />oct'lLs anu fap-Jdlil's 10 ha\l' an imp:lll <br />on "UI n:llion', l'fflrnllnil' fUIUIl'; <br /> <br />. loin in lown 1IIl'l'lill/: disfUssions \\ilh <br />'kt'Y (on/:ll'ssi"nalll';ltll'r; on Clpilf ~ <br />lIilllo Imk for ~linl S"lulions 10 Jon): <br />slamlin): iSSlIl'S sUlh as 11ll' impall of <br />UnrUnUl'tI l'1I\'ilolll1ll'llIalm:lntl:IIl'S ami <br />ill\'l'slmenl nt'l'tls in our dlies anti <br />lowns; <br /> <br />. !.calli alxlIII l'nll'l):inl( priuritit's as Ihe <br />nt.w Administr.llion 1:lkes .sh;l(ll' antllhl' <br />nl'W Congll'S.s Ill'):ins 10 dt'fioc ils <br />:ll(cnda; :md. <br /> <br />. Scnd a dl'ar mes.s;II(l' to Ihe nl'\\' <br />n:llit>nall....Jdcrship Ihalthe lcatll'r; C ,I' <br />11ll' nali"n', dlit'S anti lowns :IIe (I"n- <br />milll'tI 10 p.ininl(:1 nalioll:1I dlort 10 <br />resha(ll' pri"lilit's ;md Il'huild Amelila <br />flom 10lal 1(00'l'Inml'nl up. <br /> <br />NEW I;ACI~S AND <br />NEW JlRIOIUTIES <br /> <br />l'rt'Silknl,dellllill Clinlnn has IX.'WIn ,hl' lask <br />nf .I('(,l'plin/: Ihe 'dtlll~n/.'t: nf j!O\uning :lIld <br />:I('fflUnl:lhilil\.. - lie will wurk \\ ilh a nl'\\ <br />Cnn/:Il'l's. :II~I whill' Ihl' le:ltll'lShip in Ix~h <br />p;lrtit'S will rl'IIl:lin ne.lrly nndtlllg,,!. Ihl' <br />(InuSt' will ha\'l' 110 OCt\' memlll'r; - 1I1(lIe <br />lit," a 2; pcr(,l'nlturml\'t'f. 1111: St:n:IIl' \\iII <br />11:I\'c II new memhers. <br /> <br />'.n'~'.'.'X'v:1I'~.i.i.J"'~~~..Jl~"~Ir.l.."'~~rlrolA..lo <br /> <br />i\l~lIly Ihll~' '1"artl'r; '~'IIIl' n~wly dnl- <br />\.d 'h)(,,<' 1I1l'lIIhl'lS ha\l'l'Xlll'lit'IIl(';rs st;lle <br />mliol f~lit:ials. plfJlllisin/( ;11:11 glt'all'r <br />untll'rsl;Ulllin): of Ihl' is-sues ;Ind ffllll'l'lns of <br />st;Ut'S ami Ii 1l.:11 ):O\(.rnn....nls. <br /> <br />TI... 1'1J.{ Cnngrt'ssioml Cily ClIlI"',,'nCl' <br />will hring Inj!t1her 1l'J'r~Sl'nlali\l's f~ Ih\. IIl'\\ <br />blbsh~) 10 prmidl' a li.nllllli... Il'allling <br />alx'ul Jl;ui'>I1;11 prinrllit.s. (It'linin): kIl';r1 inll'l- <br />l'sts. :1I111 de\l'loping;r "1;ltl'I(Y 101 Il'ill\l'st, <br />nlt'11I in OUl rilit~ andtowlls. <br /> <br />NEW CllAIHNGtc; <br /> <br />AND TOUGH CHOICEc; <br /> <br />"Il'Sitklll-dell C1inlon prolx",,'d his "l'lIl1ing <br />I'l'oplt. First- ;rgl'nd;r /;t.slJllllt' \\ hirh \\ ill <br />sc'I\(';r':1 gllidqxN h'r his ;I/(l'nd;r during Ihe <br />hlSl IUI days. In his plan. C1inlnn 1I1/(l'd <br />apploxilll;rldy $;0 hillion :lIlnll;rlly in n,,\' <br />in\l'slllll'nls 0\'l'I11lt' lIt'xlli'lII ye:IIS, p;lill'l1 <br />wilh sligluly gll':u~r ;lIl11lllllls nf nUs and I:IX <br />illlTl';ISl'S ' so Iltu hl' w,",ld dl;rn/(e hudgel <br />plifllilit~ 10 1"lure IIIl' lixlcr-II ddkil. hili <br />in\l'st .suhst;lIlli;rlly IIIOle in hlllll:m and pllhlir <br />infr.lslnlrlUle in '1l11 (fllnlllllnilil's. <br /> <br />In ~orellll>..'l. ".... NI.C I~J;I[tI ,,' <br />lIilellors 1IIl'1 wilh kl'l' nll'lIIl~1S nf I'Il'sitlenl- <br />dell Clinlon's Ir;lIlsili.;n leamln diSC'lls, ;r plan <br />fnr l'fflllf"llir It'ffI\el\. and ddkillt'dllllinn. <br />'Ihu plan was later a;Ii'I~,,1 hy Ihl' dde/(:ul's <br />10 Ihl' lonlc.'rl'lll'e anti plfJ\'idl's a h;rsis li'l <br />ronlimlCd distlls-,inn wilh lilt' OC\\ ll'alklShip <br />when ill;lkl'S onil'l' in Jmll:ll)'. 11l':llIs lill a <br />foruSl~ll'(()nnmir stimlllus p;l(1:I/(e IltU will <br />plfJl'idt' 11II1/: lelm rl'slIlts in ollr rilil's :mtl <br />lowns, (fllnhiocd with" It'alislir ~:m 10 <br />ll~lIt1l'r hkral,s(ll'llllinl( priurities ;md Ill'gin <br />10 Il'tiure Ihl' 1....dt'rJI tldiril. <br /> <br />Dllrin/( Ihe \\l'eks hdille lilt' <br />COIl/(Il'S-sit"l;rJ Cily Cnnb~nrl'.lhl' Ilew <br />:ldlllinislrJli,m will pll'St'nl ils :I!:enda In Ihe <br />Con/:res.s 10 IX'l(in to illlplelllenl ils l'(f .nolllir <br />It'ffI\'CI)' SlrJle/:l'- 11,;u ~an will dr.lw Oil ('ur- <br />relll e(f'llfllnir illlliralolS and ll'ffllIllllelllla- <br />lions Ih;rl h:I\'e Ix'!'n ol.,....l~tI 10 11ll' Ir.utsilit "1 <br />1l';lm. While il is difhrult In Pll'dkllhe rom, <br />IX 'nellls of IltU plan. il is dear Ih;rl il will h;r\e <br />a sil(nifkanl imp"(l nn lilt' nalion', rilit's and <br />Inwns, <br /> <br />huplelllt'lIIinl( a 1l~llistill'(nl~ IIllir <br />It'ffI\l'IY plall anti inilialin): a tlistiplilll~1 <br />applo:lrh 10 dclkil I~du\lion Willll~IUill' <br />Illll):h ('hOKl'S a( alllnds f~' 1(0\'('rnml'lII. <br /> <br />111l're will Ix.: :I /(l'Ilt'r:11 plcn:l~' Sl'ssion <br />on EUlllomil Rt~'fII'~~' ami r.h;lIl!(in/( Jlud/(~I <br />"ritllilit'S 'lll ~lclllllal' nu,rnin/( \\ht'le kl'Y <br />l11l'n~x'lS of lilt' l'Il'~itl~nfs new t~'fInnl11if <br />leam GIn pIl'St'llIllll'ir l~'Olllllllil' stimlllus and <br />llclkit Il'lJul1it>n plans and key le:lllcr; ill lilt' <br />OIlI!(ll'l'S Gm rc;.I(l, This Sl'l'sion will (k:d <br />wilh lilt' mI..' nf 11ll' ffiUitm's lilit" :mtl Inwns <br />in re\'n'inK 11ll' natinn's t'llll1lllll}' allll wilh Ihe <br />hartl chnit:cs fadn/: lhe nalitm in retludnl( Ihe <br /> <br />,1i'lidl allll st'llillg 1Il'\\ Il'llt-r;rl slx'n(lill/( plit'I' <br />ilit's. <br /> <br />ACTIO1\: HATIIEU THAN <br />(;JUDI.OCK <br /> <br />Congll'" ;111.1 Ih\. IIl'W ('ll'Siclt-lIl \\ illlo'lli <br />IIU'Il' quilkll' in.lanua,,' 10 dl'lilll';1I1 ell\ ilon' <br />nll'nl 101 ;Illion lallll'r Ih;m/:lidl.d. <br /> <br />1'Il'silk'1I1 <:Iillllln \\ ill st'tIhl' Itln' In <br />1;II1U;IIY. hl' \\ illpIClI"s~ all'/(isl:rlin' ;111.1 Il'g' <br />'ulah.,,: P;Ilbgl' l'llluhinillg lax. slx'nlling, alld <br />n.'/(ul:rloIY dWlges 10 Spill ill1l11~diall' ~ ,h lTl" <br />alion ;1I1t1l'(ClIIl'lIIi,' glCl\\lh in lilil's ami <br />lowns. In I'd'IlI;II\'. hl' \ltII st'llll C'"11(Il'" hi.s <br />Iirsrlllldgl'l. '111ill~ ""1h his prolx"als lillllll- <br />ling II.... Inknl ddilit. In ,\I;nlh. Ihl' 1 'nilt'll <br />~all's \\illllll ils nalion.lllld~ ll'ilillg or 10'1- <br />ICI\\in/( :lIl1liolil\.li'lling Congless and Ihl' <br />,....\\. adlllinistr:llion 10 ;111 clllll'gislallonlhal <br />lould h;ln' a pl"I'lllllll illlltld on il-tb:11 hud- <br />/.'('1 pliolilil's. <br />Conl(Il's.s is alll10st ll'rtain lolll'/(ill wOlk <br />in lanu;I".' on a slle:llnlinl'll lelSion 1~'lh~ <br />\l111l'd u;han aid hill. prl'Sl'I\'in/( Ihe \il.ll <br />l',lmsions and prll\ isions nililalto inllnl'di- <br />;11l' illll',IIIIl'1I1 ill lillllSin/(. ~ d" ;111.1 p~, Il:,in, <br />ing. alllll'(Clnolllil dndoplIIl'lll. distlessl'd <br />lilil'S l'101ll "Ilit dndoPlllCll1 hi. Ilk gralll.s, <br />and 11.'11111\:,1 or lOsll!' illllll'llillll'IIIS 10 III111,il i- <br />,xd IXll1(llill;lIIdllg 01 illrlasll1111I11e. <br /> <br />'Ihe Conwessioll;ll Cily Conlerl'nn' <br />tOllll'S al an id~;,llillll' in Ihl' kdl'l:11 hud/(l'1 <br />Illlll'e,", - ;I.S Olll/(Il'SS is detiding liow <br />10 leslxlnd tolhl' l'll~itl~nt's Prc'lolS;l!s al...1 <br />whelh~r 10 Sl'1 its own I"itll~il's. \\'lial <br />Conwess (hilb \\iII allefll'\'l'~' dlil.l'n and <br />1:IXp;l!l'r in )'flllr dll' 01 lown. It will alll'd <br />wall'! and Sl'\n'l li....s, h':lllaxl'S. allllhal <br />Sl'l\in's. II \\ ill alll'll }'Illlr diy's ahilily 10 <br />issue 1.1IIds. <br /> <br />This lOnlerl'm'l' willl~ )'filII Ill'st <br />th;II1(l' 10 inllu~lI(l' Ihis 1l1ldal. pliolily selling <br />pnlll'ss, II wtll oller !'Olll I~st thallll' 10 lell <br />\"llll Con/(Il'ssit.nal repll'SC'nlalir~s \\h;1I is <br />ilaplx'ning in YOllllOllIllIunily ;md how Ihl' <br />I'n.'sidl'nr's proIX.Sl'd hudgl'llould hdp 01 <br />hurt. And i' will allow Ylllllo/:o hOllle ;lIIn~d <br />wilh inlorlllalion 11,," is nilirallo adoplinl( <br />r'"11 11\\ n lI1unilipal hud/(el. <br /> <br />rom i,\IS ron DISClISSION <br /> <br />In addili'"1101lll.'l'lin):s \\ilh ll'pll'Sl'nl;IIi\~s 01 <br />llil' nl'\\ adlllinisll:uion, "how 10- Sl'Ssions. <br />;lIlllll'/(is"'"\l' hlit-fin/(s on ~ullllay and <br />"on,I:II'.lh,' (c)lIkl(,/U~ \\illll'alllll' slx'dal <br />Sl'"it"l~ on Llpilolllill on Tuesd;II' \\ilh kn <br />Con/(Il'Ssioll;llll'adelS. '!lll'Sl' 1/1\\ n nll'l'ling <br />st\le se,sions \\ ill Ill' SII11llun.~llo /(i\l' lil\ <br />oilkials an oPlx lrtunily 10lltlke Slllt' n:llional <br />leadt'r; U111It'ISI'"11ll'lessin): l'l,nfl'rns ;lIlhl' <br />kIl'allen" ;11ll1 how allioll ;11111l' ffiuit,n:lllnd <br />is IrJnsl;lll~IIH Ihl' 10fal hcl. <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I\I'Y an';" Ji'1 ,list lI"i'''1 dlllin/( thl'Sl' <br />11)\\1) 111t....'lill~ ~~\oic)fl' ;Ut'. <br />. E~\'lIlo;t;"r\n1. ~"Ii\TI "IE.\ AlllIost <br />;llIm;ljflll1wirc"lnll'nlll'gi"bli'"I- <br />Cbll \\;IIl'! ," l. ~.Ik Dlinking \\;IIl'r <br />MI, R\"'llnn' CfIlN'l\alh"l ;lIul <br />Rllon',,' Ad I...~id ;11Il1 h"'~IIlIIIlIS <br />W:lsll' 1l~1I1:1/.,(111l'nll. rl1ll;lI1/(l'fl~1 <br /> ,"I. al...1 ~lIlll'lfund - arc <br />I'~l'nli;d ill'lns 101 ;11 lit III hy IlIl' m'w <br />("~lgll'SS :l1Il1 ;1 nl'W En\ i""lII11'nlal <br />l'rc~l.tlhllll\dlllinisll.llit~1. BUldlit's <br />:Ind 1m\I!.S ;lIt' Ill~ning Ihl't'nd of Ihdr <br />1"111.' t'1'ing I"pay Ii" II.... nistin): l'n\'i- <br />n"lIIll'llI:IIIIWlll:rtl'S. 111is session will <br />hlls.m str;ul'!:il'S Illlllll'l1illg elwiron. <br />nll'nl;r1IIl.;dlh ;11It1 S;dlll' n..-nls Wilhoul <br />""'ppin!: ;,IIl'adl' liglil ;nunitip;11 hud, <br />gl1s IIl'Yflllll t1ll'il limits. <br />e "I 't\ICIl':\I. DII'I.OHE COSTS AND <br />BENIJII\ \\'ilh C'"I!:"'" ;nullhe <br />~lg f"l kl'Y issUl'S :llk'lin/: <br />llIunidJtrll'llIl"oYl't. lOstS ;nllllll'lll'fil\ <br />il is imlxlI1:mllolearn \\ hal kl'Y <br />Congll'Ssit IItllleallt-r, \\ anI 10 dol his <br />\('al ;nlll. n~lIl' iIllIM1.II11I!'. 10lllake <br />~III\' Ilu....' bl!t-rS nnllt-rst.ll1lllht' <br />I.~....~j;d illll';1I1 '''I tilit., ;1I11llo\\'ns.' .., <br />11I.'lilll'IIIl'Y;I<1. <br />. I\I'IlASTRFUI'RL <<;O\('lI1or Clilll' "1 <br />IIMllt. inlr.I"n"ll1le ill\l.stllll'nl a major <br />plit orily (Julin!: lilt' CllIlp;li):lI. I'residem <br />C1inl'~I. tllt'le/tIll', is l'XIX'lll'lllo 11Il}' <br />1~'Sl' alll;l~lI inlr.lstnlllllll' IlIol:I:lln <br />l';lIk in his administr.uit Ill. This ses.sit,n <br />\\iII'lllll\'ide;m f~lJXlI1llllil)' li.r l'llal <br />b,krs 10 s1tlre Illl'il itbs ()(l how tu <br />ntlkl' SlIIl'n;Uhlltll pn~x"als wOlk al <br />111l' I, )(';11 k.'\d III n.'llIliltl Anlt'lk:1. This <br />Sl."it.n will \'nSllll' Ihal dlit's :Intl lowns <br />all' huil. in ;11 tilt' In 1111 ellll inslead of <br />stlll'k at Iheelld. <br />Inlllqtlr.U"~1 (or till' Ill'W Conglt's.s. 11ll' <br />WIl.....R.Ill'l. willll';IIlIrl' Ii'gisl:rlin' workshl 'ps <br />\\ ilh kn Ic.~lt-r.d ;lIkl Congll."it IIlallc:llbs lu <br />diSl'lISS ilt:;,lth Girl.' rdolm. Idl'wnllnUnicl- <br />li'~lS isslll'S,IYJllkin/: ;1I111 tilil'S, :lIltl ewnomic <br />dl'\eli'pllll'llI. <br /> <br />AN ()PPORll'NH1' <br />YOU CANNOT AHOHD TO MISS <br /> <br />Thl' 1'1!.{ C'''I/.'1l'''i...-t''' Conkll'nte is an <br />l'ssc'nli:II11"III.~Il'III of '\I.e, stlall'/:)' 1'01 P;II- <br />litip;uing in e1.....,lin!l dtm/(es in Olll t'IIIIlIl)'. <br />Thl' .h:IIII-'('s inn;lIit~td k;,t1...,hlp 1'10\ Illt. :1 <br />"nifl"l' ol~x.rtunil\ '01 Il'l'st;"~i,hing Ihl' <br />\ojl'e'~ 111l' Ituitllfs (ilit's amllll\\ ns. 1I1l' <br />111)\ CIIlIl(Il'Ssioml Cil\ Cflllkll'lll'l' is ;IIX'"1 ' <br />m;lkill!:,' ;,'dilti:Il'ntt' al~1 p'ining \\ilh !our r~a <br />It-"gllt.s Inllll (itit'S;lIllllll\\ns Ihnlll!:hcllUlh_ <br />ffll;III'" '0 sl'nd a 1II1ilnllllt'Ss;I/.'t.' ;IIXIlIIIll;lk- <br />ill/: l'll~1 rhoirt'S II' dt:lll/.'t: our fUlure, <br /> <br />lie 111l.'fC, <br />