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<br />12A .. <br />A~~ ' <br />,,\I ~ 0 R Y I N G <br /> <br />""Jilt, UP <br />etlands <br /> <br /> <br />Continued from page lA <br /> <br />..permit was issued so Anoka could <br />i,9uild a gazebo. In Plymouth, the Sil- <br />ver Buckle Saddle Club destroyed <br />wetlands to create a horse pasture <br />and track. <br /> <br />T.oday, wetlands are no longer <br />Viewed as swamps and marshes to be <br />!: ,bull~ozed wholesale. Most projects <br />that Involve filling wetlands are lim- <br />it~d to a few acres or less. Gradually, <br />. .~etlands have become recognized as <br />lfI,lportant ecosystems that contribute <br />,to wildlife, water purity and floodwa- <br />ter storage. <br /> <br />Some suburbs have enacted strict <br />controls on development and com- <br />piled their own inventory of wet- <br />lands. And a tough new state law is <br />. designed to force even the most re- <br />. calcitrant suburb to ensure that wet- <br />lands taken by development are <br />r~placed. <br /> <br />Totaling the loss of wetlands is all <br />'impossible because federal and <br />e wetland regulators haven't <br />cked it. Only in the past few <br />. mo~ths has the U.S. Army Corps of <br />, EngIneers. which regulates wetlands <br />under federal jurisdiction, kept accu- <br />rate records of what's been lost. In <br />.fact. the federal count that puts the <br />nl;1l!lber of wetland acres in the Twin <br />Cities area at 270,000, released in <br />!'fovember. is based on data collected <br />In the early 1980s. <br /> <br />Furthermore. wetland draining isn't <br />even r.egulated by federal law, and <br />only since early 1992 has it been <br />covered by a new Minnesota law. <br />~nd the~e still isn't a federal report- <br />Ing requirement for most wetland <br />projects tilling less than an acre. <br /> <br />Some attempts have been made to <br />quantify the loss. One study by the <br />state Department of Natural Re- <br />sources (DNR). which examined a <br />selected nu~ber of proposed devel- <br />opment proJects, shows a projected <br />ne,t loss of 58 1 wetland acres from <br />mld-1988 to early last fall in the <br />seven metro counties of Anoka, Car- <br />ver, Dakota. Hennepin, Ramsey, <br />Scott and Washington. The losses <br />ranged from 27 acres in Ramsey <br />ety to 410 acres in Anoka Coun- <br />nly Dakota County did not <br />show a projected loss. <br /> <br />Sunday/January 3/1993/Star Tribune <br /> <br />In 1~89, th.e U.S. Fish and Wildlife' <br />Service estlmated that more than half <br />of the wetlands in the Twin Cities <br />a:ea had been lost to development <br />Stnce tbe area was settled. Since then <br />hundreds of perm its allowing wet- <br />~nds to be filled have been issued <br />adding to tbose losses. Beth Kunkcl, <br />,,~tlands consultant who frequently <br />w.,?rks for Twin Cities developers, <br />~l~, "The 'no-net-Ioss' policy isn't a <br />no-till policy. .. . We can't reason- <br />ably believe that we can stop filling <br />wetlands." . <br /> <br />The loss is compounded by other <br />problems, from developers who try <br />to cut comers to suburbs and town- <br />ships now charged with protecting <br />wetlands while seeking development <br />ventures that could endanger them. <br /> <br />Another wild card is "mitigation," a <br />federal requirement designed to re- <br />place wetlands lost to development <br />with new, man-made wetlands. But <br />sucb a requirement, which usually <br />applies only to projects that fill more <br />than an acre of wetland, doesn't guar- <br />antee good results. Duplicating na- <br />ture is an imperfect science, followup <br />checks are spotty :J.nd enforcement <br />penalties are rarel" meted out. Often <br />mitigation has resulted in the scoop-' <br />in'g ofa hole out of the ground- <br />wetland in name only. <br /> <br />Some city officials and developers <br />charge that wetlands are overregulat- <br />e~, and that too many marginal, un- <br />Sightly wetlands are being preserved <br />at the expense of development. Thev <br />argue that some net loss is inevitable <br />and generally favor a policy that <br />would save only larger wetlands. <br /> <br />Meanwhile, the debate that pits wet- <br />lands against growth rages on from <br />the White House and Congre~s to <br />A.noka County and the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District. <br /> <br />Wetlands under pressure <br /> <br />A.i~st-completed federal mapping of <br />the seven-county metropolitan area <br />shows that 14 percent of its total <br />~creage is wetlands. In rapidly grow- <br />mg Anoka County, 28 percent The <br />pressure to develop wetlands in the <br />Twin Cities area is so intense that the <br />Corps of Engineers spends one-third <br />of its time regulating metro projects, <br />even though the Twin Cities ac- <br />co~nts for only 4 percent of the <br />st~te's total land acreage. <br /> <br />Some projects that fill wetlands are <br />driven by public purpose: A highway <br />b3/-pass in Shako pee, a new middle <br />~~~Iln Fa~ington, a hospital op- <br />erating room 10 St. Louis Park. Oth- <br />ers 'are more questionable. Wetlands <br />were filled to create a ballfield in <br />Maple Grove, which by the city's <br />count already had 39 ballfields. . <br /> <br />Even projects deemed a success can <br />have.serious side effects. Wal-Man, <br />the glant Arkansas-based retailer is <br />building a new store in Fridley · <br />w"ere it filled 2.6 acres ofwetl~nds <br />and agreed to create S.7 acres of new <br />wetlands. City officials were elated. <br />B~lt Wal-Mart's new wetlands, along <br />WIth. storm water runoff from its <br />parking lot, will flow into the nearby <br />Sprin~ Brook Nature Center. Wal- <br />Mart IS the latest offour new major <br />developments that, within the past <br />year, have surrounded the city- <br />owned nature center and its wetland I <br />network. Siah S1. Clair, director of . <br />the nature center, said storm water <br />~n~ff already causes a 3- to 4-foot <br />nse In the wetlands' water levels and <br />floods nesting areas for waterfowl. I <br /> <br />Much wetland fill, such as the Wal- <br />Man pr?ject, is driven by growth and <br />economics. In 1987, Mills Fleet Farm <br />wanted to build in Oakdale and fill <br />5.3 acres of wetlands. The store <br />pr~!TIis~d to replace the loss through <br />mltJ~t1o.n, and the city's community <br />sen'lce director urged federal officials <br />to grant the permit because of "the <br />financial benefits that would accrue <br />to th.e city." The permit eventually <br />was Issued, the mitigation was com- <br />pleted and the store was built. <br /> <br />Still other projects compound dam- <br />age caused by earlier wetlands loss. <br />In a subdivision in Washington <br />County, the Corps of Engineers is- <br />su~d a permit to fill wetland for two <br />dnveways. The Fish and Wildlife <br />Service, trying unsuccessfullv to stop <br />the permit, said the wetland 'was "es- <br />~ntial to maintaining the water qual- <br />Ity of Clear ~ke. . . [which has) <br />already been Impacted by residential <br />development. " <br /> <br />Monitoring compliance <br /> <br />Wetlands protection in Minnesota <br />involves a dizzying maze of overlap- <br />ping jurisdictions and evolving regu- <br />lations. Although a host of watershed <br />districts and cities regulate the filling <br />of wetlands, two agencies - the <br />Corps of Engineers and the DNR- <br />wield the most power. <br /> <br />The DNR oversees large waterlogged <br />marshes and open-water wetlands. <br />The Corps of Engineers regulates all <br />metro-area wetlands, but generally <br />acts only on those that fall outside <br />the DNR's pun.jew. Because most of <br />the small wetlands targeted for devel- <br />opment fall outside the state'sjuris- <br />diction, the Corps of Engineers issues <br />the bulk of wetland fill permits, <br /> <br />Corps officials concede that there has <br />been a net loss of wetland acreage <br />despite the no-net-Ioss policy. In <br />awarding permits, the Corps consid- <br />ers more than just the environment; <br />it also takes into account the need for <br />roads, houses, utility lines and the <br />economic benefits that come from <br />development. Corps officials also say <br />that they lack the resources to regu- <br />late the smallest wetlands. <br />