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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />EU( RIVLR PLP~NING CO~Th1ISSION I~ETING <br />HELD AT THE EhK RIVER PUBLIC LIBRA-BY <br />NOVE~ffiER 24, 1980 <br /> <br />Members Present: Commissioners Hinkle, Tracy, Busch, Driessen, and Kreuser <br /> <br />Also Present: Herbert S. Adolphson, Cow_munity Development Director <br /> <br />1. Meeting Called to Order <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hinkle at 7:40 p.m. <br /> <br />2. ~.unutes <br /> <br />Approval of the minutes of the October 27, 1980 meeting was tabled until <br />the next meeting. <br /> <br />3. Agenda <br /> <br />Gary Santvrire, proposed phasing plan was added to the Agenda. <br /> <br />4. Neil Larson, Conditional Use Permit and Zone Change <br /> <br />t~. Larson was present for this request. He said he vTould propose to upgrade <br />the present Mobile Gas Station at 3rd and Jackson to include a car wash. <br />A new front would be put on the building and some building defects from roof <br />to foundation corrected. Also the property vTould be upgraded from present <br />condition. The gas pumps would stay, and the car wash (a two minute process) <br />viould be coin operated. The polishing portion would be a 20-minute process <br />(approximately costing $20-$30). There would be a lounge for these customers <br />and also a bathroom. He said there would be a minQmum of two employees, one <br />cashier and one customer service. Commissioner Tracy asked about how much <br />water \fould be used. He said he did not know, but it would be a cold water <br />operation. COITI.1nissioner Hinkle asked if a study had been made of the traffic <br />problems that might be created with stacking when a train came through. <br />~ITe Larson said he had not, but, the gas station now PQmps 30 to 40 thousand <br />gallons per month and he expects an increase of 25%. Cow~issioner Driessen <br />asked about the hours of operation. I~. Larson said it would be from approx- <br />imately 7 a.m. to 9 or 10 p.m. There was discussion on changing the zone <br />from C2 to C3 and the consequences. CO~~~ISSIOIillR DRIESSEN MOVED TO RECOr~lliND <br />TO Th~ CITY COUNCIL SPOT ZONING A CHANGE FROM C2 TO C3 FOR THIS PP~TICUh~R <br />PROPERTY. CO~IT~SSIONER BUSCH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3-1. <br />ONE ABSTENTION (TRACY). COt~4ISSIONER DRIESSEN RECOr@lliNDED TO THE CITY COu~CIL <br />THE GRANTING OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CAR WASH IN THAT AREA. <br />CO~ID1ISSIONER BUSCH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. <br /> <br />5. Gary Santwire, Proposed Phasing Plan <br /> <br />~rre Santwire presented his proposed phasing plan for his F.U.D. tie has a <br />separate Developer's ft~reement, drawn up by the City, the City Attorney, and <br />himself in which he is to submit a phasing plan to the Planning Commission. <br />He said the City and he agreed the cOID~ercial would be done within 1-5 years <br />as an individual cownercial site phase. Before any commercial site could be <br />constructed, he \vould have to submit his plans to the Planning Co~mission for <br />site and landscaping plan, building plan, and architectural review. He would <br />have to have approval from the Planning COID~ission and City Council for the <br />final phasing plan before proceeding. Com~issioner Hinkle asked why it 1fas <br />decided the Planning Co~mission would have the final word. ~IT. Santwire said <br />