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Motion by Hardin and seconded by Hjermstad to request staff to look further into <br />eligibility requirements for non -profits. <br />Motion carried 3-0 <br />Motion by McAlpine and seconded by Hardin for staff to determine another form of <br />recognition for the Toth Farms barn. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />4.2 General Updates <br />The committee suggested keeping a bench or planter with a plaque as the prize while <br />allowing the winner to install at their business or donate to a local park/path. Mr. Mollan <br />determined that vinyl stickers can be made in house and should be awarded to the winner <br />and finalist. <br />S. Adjournment <br />There being no further business, Chair Hardin adjourned the meeting of the EDA <br />Beautification Committee at 10:59 a.m. <br />Minutes prepared by Joshua Molla.n. <br />-4(- <br />Tina Allard, City Clerk <br />Jos ollan, Recording Secretary <br />