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Question 3 — Reorganizes and simplifies original question 4, provided below, significant elements <br />highlighted. <br />Preparedness: Consistent with policy G.2b Governing Style, Commission members devote appropriate <br />attention, time, and energy to governing effectively by taking advantage of opportunities for continuing <br />education, development, and industry networking; and, commission members are present and engaged <br />during official meetings prepared to perform their assigned duties, participate in discussion, and make <br />decisions in a manner consistent with policy G.2e Commission Member Conduct. <br />New Question 3: <br />Commission members are present and engaged during official meetings, prepared to perform their <br />assigned duties, participate in discussion, and make decisions. Members also take advantage of <br />opportunities for continuing education, development, and industry networking. <br />Question 4 — Reorganizes and simplifies original question 8, provided below, significant elements <br />highlighted. <br />One Direct Report: The commission body has one direct report. As adopted in Commission Governance <br />Policy G.3c General Manager Accountability, the commission as a body and the commission members <br />individually will never give direction to anyone other than the General Manager, and will refrain from <br />evaluating, either formally or informally, the job performance of any <br />employee other than the General Manager. <br />New Question 4: <br />The Commission as a body and its individual members never provide direction or job performance <br />evaluation, either formal or informal, to any employee other than the general manager. <br />Question 5 — Reorganizes and simplifies original question 9, provided below, significant elements <br />highlighted. <br />Organizational Performance: The commission effectively monitors organizational performance utilizing <br />either internal or external methods measuring performance against expected outcomes (for example, <br />the annual budget) and clearly defined goals (for example, the Utilities Performance Metrics Scorecard) <br />as established in Commission Governance Policy G.3d Monitoring Performance <br />of the General Manager and G.5 Goals and Results. <br />New Question 5: <br />The Commission effectively monitors organizational performance utilizing either internal or external <br />methods, measuring performance against expected outcomes and clearly defined goals. <br />0 <br />