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Part T. NOTIFICATION TO CUSTOMERS <br />Subpart 1. Contents of written notice. Following each annual review and approval by the utility of <br />the cogeneration rate tariffs the utility shall furnish in the monthly newsletter or similar mailing, <br />written notice to each of its customers that the utility is obligated to interconnect with and purchase <br />electricity from cogenerators and small power producers. <br />Subp. 2. Availability of information. The utility shall make available to all interested persons upon <br />request, the interconnection process and requirements adopted by the utility, pertinent rate <br />schedules and sample contractual agreements. <br />Part U. DISPUTE RESOLUTION <br />In case of a dispute between a utility and a customer interconnecting a qualifying facility or an <br />impasse in negotiations between them, either party may petition the governing body to determine <br />the issue. <br />Part V. INTERCONNECTION CONTRACTS <br />Subpart 1. Interconnection standards. The utility shall provide a customer applying for <br />interconnection with a copy of, or electronic link to, the utility's adopted interconnection process <br />and requirements. <br />Subp. 2. Existing contracts. Any existing interconnection contract executed between the utility and a <br />customer interconnecting a qualifying facility with capacity of less than 40 kilowatts remains in force <br />until terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or as otherwise specified in the contract. The <br />governing body has assumed all dispute responsibilities as listed in existing interconnection <br />contracts. Disputes are resolved in accordance with Part T. <br />Subp. 3. Renewable energy credits; ownership. Generators own all renewable energy credits unless <br />other ownership is expressly provided for by a contract between a generator and the utility. <br />Part W. UNIFORM CONTRACT <br />The form for uniform contract form shown in subpart 1shall be used between the utility and a <br />qualifying facility having less than 40 kilowatts of capacity. <br />Subpart 1. Uniform Contract for Cogeneration and Small Power Production Facilities. (See attached <br />contract form.) <br />56 <br />