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Commissioner Stewart followed up on a question she had about how the departure of the <br />conservation & key accounts staff member in 2023 impacted results. <br />Mr. Hanson explained that if a position is not intended to be filled, as staff intends to <br />change the role from a manager to a coordinator, it must be removed from the list by <br />December 31. He explained that staff had removed it on January 1, so it was included. There <br />was discussion. <br />There was discussion about how staff identifying as nonbinary were considered. Staff said <br />they would research the matter. <br />Moved by Commissioner Westgaard and seconded by Commissioner Stewart to approve <br />the 2024 Pay Equity Report Filing. Motion carried 4-0 <br />3.0 ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business, Chair Dietz adjourned the special meeting of the Utilities <br />Commission at 8:40 a.m. <br />Minutes prepared by Tony Mauren. <br />John J. Dietz, ERMU Commission Chair <br />Tina Allard, City Clerk <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Special Meeting Minutes <br />January 29, 2024 <br />Page 2 <br />:A <br />