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5/13122, 3:15 PM <br />Elk River, MN Code of Ordinances <br />Representatives of the ice and turf -use associations and the ISD #728 designee may be nonresidents of <br />the city, but there shall be no more than three nonresidents of the city serving on the commission at any <br />one time. <br />Following the initial commissioner appointments, all commissioners shall be appointed for a term of <br />three years, serving on a staggered basis. For the initial commission appointments, the city council shall <br />assign terms of one, two, and three years for designated members. <br />(Ord. No. 20-06, § 2, 6-1-2020) <br />Sec. 2-253. - Authority and duties. <br />The multipurpose facility advisory commissions authority shall include, but not be limited to, the study <br />and recommendation to the city council on the following: <br />(1) Develop a value statement and a mission statement for the commission. Review each <br />statement annually and amend as so desired. <br />(2) Serves as a conduit to the public to gain feedback on the effectiveness of the facility and <br />services provided. Holds at least one annual public hearing to receive community comments <br />regarding the operation, use, and future development of the facility. <br />(3) Develop and provide a verbal annual report on the outcomes and activities of the facility to <br />the city council. <br />(4) The commission shall review facility rental rates annually and recommend a fee schedule for <br />incorporation into the annual budget. <br />(5) The commission shall recommend a budget that balances facility revenue and expenses. The <br />budget will include projected revenue, expenses, transfers, and capital improvements. The <br />budget shall be completed no later than August 1 of each year. <br />(6) The commission shall annually provide a draft capital improvement plan to the city council <br />that includes capital replacements, repairs, and additions. The plan shall project <br />improvements over a rolling ten-year period. The capital plan shall be completed no later <br />than September 1 of each year. <br />(7) The commission shall review and recommend operational policies for the facility and review <br />all policies at a minimum every two years. <br />(Ord. No. 20-06, § 2, 6-1-2020) <br />)ec. 2-254. - Meetings. <br />2/3 <br />