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CITY OF ELK RIVER <br />MULTIPURPOSE FACILITY ADVISORY COMMISSION BYLAWS <br />ARTICLE I — MISSION, VISION, AND VALUES <br />Section 1. Mission. The mission of the Commission is to provide an environment of diverse and <br />inclusive activities with opportunities that contribute to the wellbeing of all by listening to <br />the needs and desires of the greater Elk River community. Respecting our past, serving the <br />present, and preparing for tomorrow. <br />Section 2. Vision. The vision of the Commission is to provide an inclusive and accessible facility, <br />incorporating sustainable practices, while creating opportunities that foster pride in our <br />community and a commitment to quality of life. <br />Section 3. Values. The Commission is committed to responsible stewardship of the facility through <br />integrity, innovation, and teamwork. <br />ARTICLE II — COMMISSIONERS <br />Section 1. Chairman. The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Commission and perform duties <br />as presiding officer. The chairman shall be elected at the first meeting of each calendar year. <br />Section 2. Vice -chair. The vice -chair shall perform the duties of the chair in the absence of the chair. In <br />the event that a vacancy of the chair occurs, the vice -chair shall become chair for the <br />remainder of the vacant term. The vice -chair shall be elected at the first meeting of each <br />calendar year. <br />Section 3. Secretary. The secretary shall prepare the minutes of the commission. The secretary shall be <br />elected at the first meeting of each calendar year. <br />Section 4. Vacancies. Should the office of chair and vice -chair become vacant at the same time, the <br />Commission shall elect successors at the next regular meeting, or at a special meeting called <br />for such purpose, and such elections shall be for the unexpired terms of each office. <br />ARTICLE III — MEETINGS <br />Section 1. Regular Meetings. Commission meetings shall be held at the facility at 6:30 p.m. on the <br />second Monday of each of the following months: February, April, June, August, October, <br />December. Meetings are subject to Minnesota Open Meeting Law. <br />Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chair or by a simple majority of the <br />sitting commission. <br />Section 3. Attendance. Commission members shall attend all regular and special meetings. A <br />commissioner shall be expected to maintain a suitable attendance record. Attendance <br />requirements are outlined in the Advisory Board and Commission Policy. The Commission <br />shall review attendance requirements at the first meeting of each year. <br />