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TROTT BROOK FARMS PLAYGROUND SURVEY <br />Elk River Parks and Recreation <br />Postcards mailed <br />to nearby <br />residents on <br />January 19 <br />Conducted January 16, 2024 through February 8, 2024 <br />510 <br />Webpage views <br />to view the <br />playground <br />options <br />362 <br />QR code scans <br />to visit the <br />webpage and <br />take the survey <br />244 <br />Event counts <br />clicking the <br />images and <br />survey link <br />1,648 <br />The majority of webpage visits, QR code scans, and survey <br />submissions were conducted on January 22 and 23. <br />POSTCARD SAMPLE <br />WEBPAGE SAMPLE