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Property Narrative: <br />As illustrated in the photo / map attached with this narrative there is existing screening in place <br />with numerous landscape berms with trees. The yellow lines outline the desired storage area <br />between the house & existing buildings. The white lines illustrate existing landscape berms with <br />trees & existing tree coverage that acts as screening. The landscape berms are 3-6ft in height <br />with 8-16ft trees on top of them. All the landscape berms are covered with either decorative <br />landscape mulch or native grass. The desired storage area is also tucked behind the existing <br />house & buildings on site so that it is out of view. In addition to that this property sits significantly <br />above Twin Lakes Road so that the storage area is out of view, there is significant tree coverage <br />with large older age trees at this property as well, and the storage area is located a significant <br />number of feet away from other residences in the area. <br />The area is paved with existing gravel already on site, so no new pavement will be needed. <br />There will be no employee parking in this desired outdoor storage area. This area will consist of <br />small piles of landscape materials (rock, mulch, gravel, etc.) sitting & neatly contained within <br />existing concrete areas/bins. These materials will be used for maintaining the driveway & <br />landscaping at this 21144 Twin Lakes Rd NW address as well as used to improve client's <br />properties. <br />Occasionally 4-5 company vehicles and/or pieces of equipment may be stored in this area as <br />well. That said this is rare as the area is primarily desired for materials storage and needs to be <br />kept relatively open as part of it acts as a driveway for the rest of the property. <br />There will be little operation taking place from this desired storage area, any operations that <br />take place will commence between 7:OOam - 7:OOpm. <br />