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Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 <br />December 19, 2023 <br />----------------------------- <br />Standards for Multi-Family Buildings – codify properly for apartments outside of the Planned Unit <br />Developments by using the standards in the C1 zoning district for freestanding signs, and that <br />signs be limited to 32 square feet. <br /> <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br /> <br />5.2 City of Elk River <br /> Ordinance Amendment Regulating Cannabis Growing, Processing, and Manufacturing, Case No. <br />OA 23-04 ~ continued from 11-28-2023 <br /> <br />Mr. Carlton presented the staff report. He provided a handout of an updated draft ordinance which was <br />recommended after a discussion with the city attorney, who stated everything that we included in the draft <br />ordinance included in the packet will be preempted by state law, and we will just follow what state law says. <br />The city attorney’s ordinance recommendation is basically a definition and inclusion of the zoning district <br />where the use is allowed (I-1). The League of Minnesota Cities will distribute some model ordinances later <br />this year and staff can review to determine if anything else should be incorporated. <br /> <br />Commissioner Rydberg asked if there were any pending applications for this use. <br /> <br />Mr. Carlton indicated this use is not currently allowed until approved by the city council; therefore, there are <br />no pending applications. <br /> <br />Commissioner Mauren asked if Mr. Carlton had heard any about examples of the tracking of water and <br />electric usage requirements and managing water connection (either by well or connection to city). <br /> <br />Mr. Carlton has not heard any specifics of how those uses will be tracked. He did talk to the city attorney <br />about power/electrical demand and usage, since this type of use would be a high-power user, he <br />recommended that electric can be regulated through the CUP process, with the applicant working with Elk <br />River Municipal Utilities and encouraging higher efficiency lighting with water also being regulated similarly <br />through the CUP process. He indicated water connection to a well could be allowed provided they meet <br />DNR standards. Nearly all I-1 and I-2 zoned properties are within the Urban Service district. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Johnson clarified that there will be no retail sales in the I-1 and I-2 districts. <br /> <br />Mr. Carlton concurred, and there has not been an ordinance passed allowing retail sales in the city and under <br />this definition and use, retail sales would not be permitted. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Johnson asked about the effect of brewery sales of THC products in their beverages. <br /> <br />Mr. Carlton stated alcohol manufacturing is regulated separately by the state. Breweries, microbreweries, and <br />distilleries are an allowed use with a license from the state. <br /> <br />Commissioner Mauren asked about future regulations regarding the location of a cannabis dispensary. <br /> <br />Mr. Carlton stated there will be future discussions and regulations regarding sales. Ordinance language <br />recommendations keep sales separate from manufacturing. <br /> <br /> <br />