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Commissioner Westgaard inquired as to whether there was a hardship in this case which <br />would validate an exception to the rules. There was discussion. <br />Mr. Hanson shared that staff had sought bids to perform the work which ranged from <br />$5,200-$17,000, showing that there are contractors who are willing to perform the work. <br />He added it was the staff's position that the work would best be done now in a controlled <br />environment as opposed to emergency work being done due to a leak. <br />Chair Dietz shared his opinion that staff should provide the estimates to the requester so <br />that they can employ a contractor to do the work. <br />Mr. Harvala shared concerns over the number of underground utilities at the site that <br />could be impacted during the process of capping at the main. Mr. Harvala shared his <br />understanding that during the deconstruction of a home that occupied the property in <br />2005 the utilities did not require the line to be capped at the main adding the line was <br />only discovered during the construction project. Mr. Harvala expressed Cornerstone Auto <br />and Heritage Construction's preference to compromise by providing ERMU with $8,000 to <br />perform the work and take on the liability. There was discussion. <br />Commissioner Stewart shared her preference to follow staff's recommendation to have <br />the property owner take responsibility for capping the line at the main. <br />Commissioner Bell expressed concern about the potential plight of the property owner if <br />the rules were not followed by the Utilities when the house was demolished in 2005. <br />Mr. Shepherd noted that the Commission appears to be lacking information on the history <br />of the property, adding that an exception should only be made if there is evidence that <br />warrants it. Mr. Shepherd continued that if historical information is the basis of appeal <br />the burden of proof should be on the property owner, adding that with a policy in place <br />there must be a justifiable reason to change practice. Mr. Shepherd noted that whoever <br />employs the contractor takes liability for their work. <br />Commissioner Stewart suggested allowing the property owner to provide evidence of the <br />circumstances they explained. <br />Mr. Hanson asked Mr. Shepherd if it is generally the case that the property owner accepts <br />the liability for the property when they purchase it. <br />Mr. Shepherd responded that is generally the case. <br />Commissioner Zerwas stated his preference to follow current rules as written unless the <br />property owner can show previous rules were not followed by ERMU, at which point he <br />would be inclined to re-evaluate the circumstances. <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Meeting Minutes <br />November 14, 2023 <br />Page 3 <br />34 <br />