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7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />r1n opporuuuta foL the public to espress their opiiuons and raise questions peitaiiung to the agenda item. �lll comments become paLt oi the oificial public record. FoL tlus Leason, <br />all comments must Ue made at the podium so the�� can be heud and LecoLded. Comments ma�- also be pLovided in a�Liting. The cite- council «�ill onl�� receive uiioLmation duLing <br />the PuUlic Heaiing and a-ill not delibeLate, cliscuss oi ansa�eL questions until the heaiing is closed. It is impoLtant to Ue coiuteous and allo«� each pLesenteL to comment UeioLe <br />adding additional testimon�. <br />7.1 PreliminaryT & Final Plat: Park Pointe Second Addition (Replatting Outlot E, Park Pointe) <br />7.2 Simple Plat: Glens Ridge, Westphal Construction CompanyT, Inc. <br />7.3 Ordinance: Home Occupations <br />8. GENERAL BUSINESS <br />GeneLal action items in a�luch tlie Cita Council receives infoLmation tLom ciri staff oL consiiltants and aiteL deliUeiation acts on the item undeL consideration. Geneial Business <br />items ue not oppoituiuties to receive oL pLovide puUlic input. Ho«�eveL, the Cite- Council ma�-, at its sole cliscretion, solicit puUlic feedUack. <br />8.1 Heritage Preservation Commission Appointment <br />8.2 Energ�T CittT Commission Appointments <br />9. MOTION TO ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING <br />I 0. WORK SESSION — Upper Town Conference Room <br />\x'ock Sessions are less foLinal ineetings of the Ciri- Council to encouiage clialog bet�x�een themselves, stafi, consultants and invited memUeLs of the puUlic. The Council does not <br />tepicall�- take oft�cial action on items undeL cliscussion. �t the conclusion of a discussion, a simple Council consensus pLovides staif cliLection ior esecution oi the itein. Tlus <br />poLtion of the agenda is auclio iecoided but not video recoLded or ULoadcast \�'oLk Sessions are open to the puUlic, hoa�ever, visitoLs a�ho a�ish to proaide input must Ue invited <br />b� the b7a�oL, assume a seat at the discussion table and provide their hdl name and addiess foi the oificial recoid. <br />10.1 Safe Haven Babyr Box — Karlie Myette, ERFD Foundation <br />10.2 Hockey Day l��innesota Branding at FT CenteY <br />10.3 2024 Budget <br />10.4 AdvisoryT Board Attendance PolicyT <br />I I. MOTION TO ADJOURN <br />The Elk River Vision <br />A 2a�elco�ning co�nlnunity 2a�ith revolutionazy and s�i�zted resou�cefulness, exceptional se�vice, and p o w E A E u e T <br />coln�nunity engagelnent that encou�ages and inspi� es pros�eTzty �/� ���� <br />f1 <br />