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ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF BUILDING USE AGREEMENT & POST-BURN/USE <br />PROPERTY CONDITION <br />AGREEMENT: <br />On this 15th day of November , 20 23 , an agreement is made between; <br />Elk River Fire Department (Insert name of your Fire <br />Department), hereinafter called "City/Township"; and <br />(Insert the name of the <br />entity/organization supervising the activity if other than the local fire department), <br />hereinafter called "Entity"; <br />+ � � '`� <br />t�l`� ������� C �� os5 (Insert the name(s) or owner(s) <br />of the building/property to be damaged or destroyed) hereinafter called "Owner". <br />WITNESS:�nc��'��l Z��C���FI�PI� ) � r�`JS-Z�Z3 <br />;�Fr� � t�11�1�►,-� ! � � �� i�� <br />WHEREAS, the City/Township desir�s �'ef further the training of its firefighters by <br />conducting fire training exercises involving the controlled burning ` <br />within a structure or other fire training activities. <br />WHEREAS, the Owner acknowledges benefits received in the possible donation of <br />the structure and further, the enhancement of fire protection services. <br />WHEREAS, the Owner has requested the use/destruction of the structure located at <br />(Include street address, municipality, county and state; or legal description of <br />the property obtained from county clerk or assessor). <br />A visual description of the structure(s) to be use/destruction is as follows: <br />�W G S�L/� SI'�/; +/owc,1 .��'n s/ t�'c.., l i N i-k.••• �c. � <br />WHEREAS, the building to be used/destroyed as identified in the above paragraph <br />will be referred to herein as "the structure"; now therefore: <br />5 <br />