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months in a row. With interest rates and material prices as high as they are the best option for growth is <br />to run lean. At this time adding additional staff would not be a good option for the company. <br /> <br />Steps Moving Forward <br /> Shoot Steel is working closely with US Bank and Village bank investigating creative ways to <br />move forward. Village Bank has been very helpful in pointing the company in the right direction. The <br />company is now working with a Business Consultant with the SBDC. The consultant is helping with a <br />marketing plan and to review the company’s financials. <br /> <br /> Shoot Steel also began working with a new accountant and bookkeeper as a result of the recent <br />financial loss. The new accountant and bookkeeper have been very helpful in pointing out areas for <br />improvement. Bookkeeping prior to 2023 was not accurate on a monthly basis. The previous <br />bookkeeper and accountant did not have solutions to the problems the company was facing. <br />Unfortunately, these problems led to a large accounting error that ultimately burned through all of the <br />company’s cash reserves. The new bookkeeping system has proven to be much more accurate in <br />predicting monthly profit and loss. This will help prevent this from happening again. <br /> <br /> In November of 2022 Shoot Steel hired a new General Manager to help run the company. The <br />general manager has a proven track record in both online and retail sales. The first 6 months of <br />employment were focused on learning the systems and looking for areas of improvement. The first <br />large scale project was the COGS project. For this the general manager created a system to create an <br />accurate way of measuring the COGS each month. This system has been in use all of 2023. <br />Additionally in the spring of 2023 the General Manager took over the marketing and advertising. The <br />months prior were handled by a marketing agency and a previous employee. Unfortunately, both the <br />agency and employee were unable to attain satisfactory results. Within weeks the General Manager <br />had the ads running much more efficiently. This has helped to both lower expenses and increase <br />revenue. <br /> <br />Critical Need <br />Shoot Steel was asked to demonstrate a need for TIF on the warehouse project. This need was based <br />on the warehouse as a long-term investment. Over the last 2 years that need has shifted to keeping the <br />company in business. TIF is now critical to the company’s survival with today’s high steel prices and <br />slowing economy. If Shoot Steel does not receive TIF it will likely be forced to move and possibly let <br />the warehouse go. If the TIF agreement can be amended to include Trimark it would be a significant <br />factor in the survival of Shoot Steel. <br />