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10.4 SR 11-20-2023
City Government
City Council
Council Agenda Packets
2021 - 2030
10.4 SR 11-20-2023
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11/17/2023 12:06:00 PM
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11/17/2023 9:28:32 AM
City Government
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Appointments <br />The Cit� Council will ieview all applicarions and inteiview applicants at a iegulu councIl meering. <br />The CouncIl mav cliscuss applicant qualificarions at the woik session of the iegulai meetiang held the <br />same evening. r�ppoint�nents �zill Ue made at the ne�t reg�alar council meeting. <br />�d�-isorc board membeis re�resentin�? coinmuiurc organizations or a�encies on the Enei�� Cit� <br />Commission and lVlulti�urgose Facilit�r �d�isoi-� Comu7ission ma� utilize a gro�= memUer in their <br />aUsence. The �rot`- memUer's name and �osition �tithin the orgaiuzation shall be provided to tlie <br />staff liaison, commission chair and Office of the Cit�- Clerk in advance of attendine a meetinQ in <br />place of an a��ointed member. <br />------------------------ <br />Attendance Policy <br />t� membei shall be expected to mauitauz a suitable attendance recoid. r�ttendance is vital to boaid <br />seivice and Cityr CouncIl expectarions. Because attendance is unportant, the Cityr CouncIl has <br />adopted tlie follow-ing attendance polic`-: <br />�Vlembeis shall be automaricallv iemoved foi lack of attendance. Lack of attendance is defined as: <br />■ Regulailp scheduled montl�ly commissions — missuzg thiee (3) iegulaily scheduled meetings <br />duiing a calendar yeai �-ithout an ezcused absence, or, inissui� 50°'0 of Regular and S��ecial <br />_lleetinas with or mithout an ezcused absence duruiR a calendu�rear.. <br />■ rlll other conu�ussions — missing two (2� regululy scheduled meerings during a calendar pear <br />R-ithout an ezcused absence, or missinQ 50°�0 of Remilar and Sgecial _lleetiuQs R-ith or mithout <br />an ezcused absence duruig a calendar � eai�.- <br />�n absence mav be eicused if the staft liaison or Office of the Citc� Clerk are notitled no later than <br />12 ��.m. (noon) on the dat of the sdieduled meetin� <br />Puriciparion for less than three-fourths of a meetuig shall Ue the same as a faIlure to attend a <br />meering.- �Vlembeis removed puisuant to this pauagraph shall not continue to seive on the boaid and <br />such reinoval shall create a vacancy-. r1 meinUer may- appeal the ternunation Uy- requesting a hearing <br />before the Cit`- Council writlun 10 da`-s of notice of ternunation. <br />r� standaid commission attendance foim shall be used bv all commissions foi the staff liaison to <br />record attendance. The Office of the Cit`- Clerk shall for�z�ud the attendance record to the Cit�- <br />Council at the end of each une and DecemUer for `' '���- �' review. ''---- - ------'---�; ,'--" - <br />_J � _ _ _`='==_�` _" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, , Formatted: Strikethrough <br />Special Meetings <br />S»ecial _lleerin�s ina� be added bt consensus oY the ad�-isoi� board at a re� �lar Scheduled _lleetui�? <br />to mm��lete unfiiushed or ne�x�l� �lanued business of the Scheduled \-Ieetine. Sneci� al lleetines � <br />rec�uire a 72-hour puUlic notice in accordance a-ith the �Iinnesota Ogen �Ieeting Laa-. Special <br />\Ieetin�s shall not reglace Scheduled �Zeetings. Faihire to attend a Special �Zeeting shall result in an <br />unexcused aUsence. � y , , � � , , b - <br />� � , , ,' <br />
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