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3.) Uses - <br />(01) Permitted Uses — Permitted uses shall include only the following <br />uses: <br />(i) Multiple-Famil�� Residential (apartment buildings) <br />4.) AppYoval bv Cit�r - Cityr hereby approves the PYoject as shown in the attached <br />exhibits provided, ho`vever, that insofar as the exhibits varyT from the �vritten terms of this <br />PUD Agreement, the written terms shall govern. This approval is subject to individual site <br />and building plan review and approval as follows: <br />(01) The City may, when approving individual site plans, impose such <br />conditions as it shall deem necessaryr to ensuYe that the PYoject <br />complies with the requirements of this PUD Agreement, as mutually <br />amended from time to time, the Conditional Use Permit, as mutuallyT <br />amended from time to time, and the CittT Code of Ordinances. <br />5.) Maintenance of Project AYeas - <br />(01) Litter Control - Developer and all Third PartyT owners shall pick up <br />litter as needed, at least once per month (except during winter <br />�veather), from: <br />(i) all parking and landscaped areas on their propertyT <br />(ii) public rights-of-way adjacent to their propertyT. <br />(iii) wetlands and storm water features adjacent to the propert�T. <br />(02) EnfoYcement - Failure of DevelopeY oY a Third Partyr to meet its <br />maintenance obligations under this paragraph will be grounds for <br />CityT to invoke against that partyT anyT remedyT which CityT has under <br />this PUD Agreement. <br />6.) Remedies - Should Developer or a Third PartyT breach anyT of the terms and <br />conditions of this PUD Agreement, and if such breach is not cured `vithin thirtyT (30) dayTs <br />after written notice, or if such cure shall reasonabl�T require longer than thirtyT (30) dayTs to <br />cure within such longeY period as shall be Yeasonably necessary to cure such bYeach provided <br />Developer or the Third PartyT commences cure within such thirtyT (30) dayT period and <br />diligently proceeds to cure such breach thereafter, CityT shall have any or all of the following <br />Yemedies against the paYtyr who has bYeached: <br />(01) Withhold issuance of building permits or certificates of occupancyT <br />for anyT structure within the Project; <br />(02) Halt construction on public improvements not commenced or not <br />completed; <br />2. <br />