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Under the timelines, eligible water systems will not be able to see how much money they are <br />entitled to under the class settlement until after deciding whether to participate. Eligible water <br />systems who have already detected PFAS in at least one source, and who don't opt out of the <br />settlements, must submit a claims form containing data about their PFAS impacts after final <br />approval. These forms will be processed by a claims administrator who will ultimately <br />determine each participating system's share of the settlement fund. The claims administrator <br />has begun operating a website at the following URL: <br />ERMU is a phase one eligible claimant. In November 2021, the Minnesota Department of Health <br />(MDH) tested each of our eight wells for PFAS (see attached results report). Well Four was the <br />only well with a detectable amount of a PFAS contaminant, 0.0014 ug/L of PFBA, far below the <br />listed MDH guidance value of 7.0 ug/L. Per the MDH report, a person drinking water at or below <br />the guidance value would have little or no risk for health effects. <br />Additionally, there are multiple defendants and types of claims in the multi -district litigation. <br />Lockridge Grindel Nauen (LGN) is serving as local counsel in this litigation and would be able to <br />file claims on behalf of ERMU to protect its interests relating to future settlements. Staff <br />recommends engaging LGN on behalf of ERMU on a 25% contingency fee basis. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: <br />None. Since the retainer is set up on a contingency fee basis, Lockridge Grindel Nauen is only <br />paid if a settlement is received. <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />• PFAS Sampling Report <br />• LGN Litigation Retainer Agreement <br />Page 2of2 <br />127 <br />