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1.4 Recognition of Employee Longevity —Tom Geiser, 24 years <br />In September 2021, the Commission approved a Longevity Pay benefit to be paid to qualifying, <br />eligible employees based on their years of service. Operations Director Tom Geiser earned the <br />24-year longevity pay benefit. <br />Mr. Hanson recognized Mr. Geiser and his contributions to the company through a brief <br />PowerPoint presentation which included photos of Mr. Geiser in various stages of his career. <br />Chair Dietz presented Mr. Geiser with his award and there was a round of applause. <br />Mr. Geiser thanked the commission and his fellow managers. <br />2.0 CONSENT AGENDA (Approved By One Motion) <br />Moved by Commissioner Zerwas and seconded by Commissioner Stewart to approve the <br />Consent Agenda as follows: <br />2.1 Check Register— September 2023 <br />2.2 Regular Meeting Minutes —September 12, 2023 <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />3.0 OPEN FORUM <br />Mr. Rohlf and Mr. Harvala, addressed the Commission regarding the Cornerstone Auto Quick <br />Lane project, located at 10965 171s' Avenue NW, Elk River. They explained that during <br />excavation the water line was struck resulting in the curb stop being removed and the line <br />being capped at the curb stop. They continued that capping the line at the water main, per <br />City requirements, would potentially impact utilities, gas, and fiberoptic lines, making it a <br />risky endeavor in their opinion. Mr. Rohlf and Mr. Harvala requested authorization to pay the <br />exemption fee which would allow them to keep the water line capped at the curb stop and not <br />the main. <br />Chair Dietz informed Mr. Rohlf and Mr. Harvala that commissioners do not comment on open <br />forum items and that their exemption request will be added to the November commission <br />meeting agenda for discussion. <br />4.0 POLICY & COMPLIANCE <br />4.1 Commission Policy Review — G.2a1- Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) and Other <br />Donations to the City of Elk River <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Meeting Minutes <br />October 10, 2023 <br />Page 2 <br />34 <br />