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VILLAGE OF ELK RIVER MEETING CITY COUNCIL <br />AUGUST 8, 1922 Regular meeting of the Village Council was held at the Library room on Tuesday, Aug 8, 1922. Present- M.K. Iliff, Pres,J.E. Hamlet, C.A. Morse, Trustees, W.F. Chadbourne, Clerk Visitors - T.H. Daly, Sherburne Co Fair Assn Harold Caley, B.E. Fournier and Donald Davis representing the Elk River Commercial Club Meeting called to order by the Pres at 7:30 p.m. Mr. T.H. Daly asked that the council donate funds in support of the Co. Fair in Sept after some discussion the following resolution was presented. Resolved that the sum of 250.00 be donated the Sherburne Co Fair Assn on motion of J.E. Hamlet Trustee seconded by W.F. Chadbourne Clerk. The Resolution was declared carried by the Pres. The representatives of the Commercial Club asked that the Council be a little more strict in regard to allowing Peddlers to sell goods without a written permit from the Council upon being informed that there was no Ordinance on record in regard to this subject they asked the Council to have an ordinance published immediately. On motion duly made seconded and declared carried by the Pres the Clerk was ordered to have an Ordinance prepared for the approval of the Council. The following bills were presented and on motion duly made seconded and declared carried by the Pres and Clerk ordered to draw warrants for the same. Bills allowed #300.68 Miller Davis Co blanks last year 3.59 Minneapolis Stamp works blanks last year 6.73 H.R. Caley Hdw Co goods for water works 93.64 National Meter Co 5 meters 71.75 W.H. Clements St work 7.50 John St work 12.50 Daly Garage Rent and repairs Fire engine 18.00 E.Nelson goods for Mrs. Martineau 20.00Maurice Goodin work connecting Water works 20.00Fournier Drug Co fumagators 5.25W.F. Chadbourne cash paid for desk 13.00E.Booth St Work last year 12.50Fred Ayers watchman at Pavilion and repairs 11.50W.A. Patenaude bal due for labor on sewer 2.50Standard Oil Co gas d ,2.22