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9. MOTION TO ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING <br />I 0. WORK SESSION — Upper Town Conference Room <br />WoLk Sessions aLe less ioLinal ineetings oi the Cita Council to encourage dialog Uet�aeen themselves, staii, consiiltants and invited memUeLs oi the puUlic The Council does not <br />tspicall�- take official action on items under discussion. r1t the conclusion of a discussion, a simple Council consensus pLovides stafi direcuon foL esecuuon of the item. Tlus <br />poLtion of the agenda is auclio recorded Uut not video recoLded or Uroadcast �x'oLk Sessions are open to the puUlic, hoa-ever, visitors a�ho «�ish to provide input must Ue invited <br />bp the il-Zapor, assume a seat at the discussion table and provide their full name and address ioL the ofticial Lecoid. <br />10.1 Downtown Vision — 2025 Capital Improvement Plan <br />10.2 Cross`valk Polic�r <br />10.3 Riverfront Concert Series Review <br />I I. MOTION TO ADJOURN <br />The Elk River Vision <br />A 2a�elco�ning co�nlnunity 2a�ith revolutionazy and s�i�zted resou�cefulness, exceptional se�vice, and p o w E A E u e T <br />coln�nunity engagelnent that encou�ages and inspi� es pros�eTzty �/� ���� <br />f1 <br />