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9-11-2023 11:37 AM CITY OF ELK RIVER PAGE: 4 <br />REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT (UNAUDITED) <br />AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2023 <br />101-GENERAL FUND <br />REVENUES <br />101-3-0000-3452 Engineering Services Reimb <br />101-3-0000-3461 Recreation Fees <br />101-3-0000-3462 Sr Center Activities <br />101-3-0000-3463 Farmer's Market <br />101-3-0000-3469 Elk RiverFest <br />101-3-0000-3472 Park Use Fee <br />101-3-0000-3483 Sewer Inspection Fee <br />101-3-0000-3484 Contractor License Check <br />TOTAL Charges for Services <br />Fines & Forfeits <br />101-3-0000-3510 Court Fines <br />101-3-0000-3512 Ordinance Violations <br />TOTAL Fines & Forfeits <br />Special Assessments <br />Other Revenue <br />101-3-0000-3621 Interest Income <br />101-3-0000-3625 Refunds & Reimbursements <br />101-3-0000-3626 Contributions <br />101-3-0000-3629 Miscellaneous Revenue <br />TOTAL Other Revenue <br />Other Financing Sources <br />Transfers In <br />101-3-0000-3921 Transfers <br />101-3-0000-3926 Transfer-Capital Outlay Resery <br />101-3-0000-3930 Transfer-Development <br />101-3-0000-3942 Transfer-WGSTS <br />101-3-0000-3943 Transfer-Liquor <br />101-3-0000-3944 Transfer-Garbage <br />101-3-0000-3945 Transfer-Utilities <br />101-3-0000-3946 Transfer-Stormwater <br />101-3-0000-3948 Transfer-EDA <br />101-3-0000-3949 Transfer-HRA <br />TOTAL Transfers In <br />TOTAL General Fund <br />TOTAL REVENUE <br />CURRENT <br />BUDGET <br />20,000.00 <br />60,000.00 <br />37,000.00 <br />20,000.00 <br />20,000.00 <br />35,000.00 <br />15,000.00 <br />1,200.00 <br />1,127,200.00 <br />130,000.00 <br />0.00 <br />130,000.00 <br />b6.67o OF YEAR COMPLETED <br />CURRENT YEAR TO DATE o OF BUDGET PRIOR FY <br />PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE YTD BALANCE <br />0.00 14,635.45 73.18 5,364.55 9,675.08 <br />2,741.06 48,000.08 80.00 11,999.92 41,828.96 <br />3,101.79 31,072.84 83.98 5,927.16 25,422.00 <br />8,873.55 34,224.41 171.12 ( 14,224.41) 40,112.00 <br />2,727.06 26,750.11 133.75 ( 6,750.11) 20,845.00 <br />5,915.50 37,118.04 106.05 ( 2,118.04) 27,197.82 <br />2,460.00 11,120.00 74.13 3,880.00 10,025.00 <br />220.00 595.00 49.58 b05.00 775.00 <br />345,079.45 1,044,257.11 92.64 82,942.89 991,056.88 <br />17,233.69 96,717.87 74.40 33,282.13 72,222.71 <br />0.00 3,100.00 0.00 ( 3,100.00) 2,000.00 <br />17,233.69 99,817.87 76.78 30,182.13 74,222.71 <br />120,000.00 0.00 95,719.41 79.77 24,280.59 90,023.14 <br />125,000.00 99.25 ( 949.57) 0.76- 125,949.57 10,640.65 <br />20,000.00 0.00 42,260.00 211.30 ( 22,260.00) 25,244.00 <br />10,000.00 3,304.90 8,125.73 81.26 1,874.27 4,901.70 <br />275,000.00 3,404.15 145,155.57 52.78 129,844.43 130,809.49 <br />300,000.00 0.00 748.79 0.25 <br />78,500.00 0.00 78,500.00 100.00 <br />0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 <br />170,000.00 0.00 170,000.00 100.00 <br />1,000,000.00 0.00 1,000,000.00 100.00 <br />56,500.00 0.00 56,500.00 100.00 <br />1,380,000.00 158,086.53 903,229.10 65.45 <br />135,000.00 0.00 135,000.00 100.00 <br />45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 100.00 <br />36,500.00 36,500.00 36,500.00 100.00 <br />3,201,500.00 239,586.53 2,425,477.89 75.76 <br />299,251.21 1,656.17 <br />0.00 50,000.00 <br />0.00 10,650.00 <br />0.00 165,000.00 <br />0.00 750,000.00 <br />0.00 54,000.00 <br />476,770.90 819,552.89 <br />0.00 135,000.00 <br />0.00 43,000.00 <br />0.00 35,000.00 <br />776,022.11 2,063,859.06 <br />20,490,000.00 784,304.94 11,836,071.40 57.77 8,653,928.60 10,924,839.92 <br />20,490,000.00 784,304.94 11,836,071.40 57.77 8,653,928.60 10,924,839.92 <br />