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The following twelve coun'termeasures are identi�ied, along with their benefits and design, cost, �nd location consideratians: <br />� Ad�ance 5top Here far Pedestrians sign and stop line • Curb extens�on <br />� Crosswalk lighting • In-street pedestrnan erossing s�gn <br />� Crosswalk pavement marking • Parking restrictions on erasswalk approach <br />• Crosswalk wa�ning signs • Pedestrian h�yl�rid beacan <br />Exarr�ples are prorrided for various roadway segments based on the following criteria: <br />� Nurnber of lanes in each dire�tion <br />- Twa lanes <br />- Three lanes with raised medoan <br />- Three lanes withaut raised median <br />- Four or more lanes with raised median <br />- Four or mare lanes witV�out raised median <br />• Average ar�nual daily traf�ic {AA�T] <br />- �e�s tn��, �,oaa <br />- g,00f} to 1 S,O[l0 <br />- Greater than 15,OOfl <br />• Pedestrian refuge island <br />� Raised crosswalks <br />� Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Bea�on <br />• 4- to 3- lane con�ersion <br />• 5peed <br />- Less than or equal to 30 mph <br />- 35 t�aph <br />- Greater than or equal to 40 mph <br />Each �xample lis�s the coun�erm�asures that should always be considered, those that should alsfl be considered and those that should be used <br />anly in canjunction with o�her countermeasure5. Nc��e: Treatments in �he"always cansider"and "alsa cansider"categories are nat mandated ar <br />requir�d. Agencies should alsfl reWiew safety i�sues, surrour�ding lar�d de�elopment, pedestrian travel patterns, countermeasure effectivermess <br />and cos�ts when considerin� appropria�e cauntermeasure5 for the cr�ssing. <br />This guide wa� d��reloped based on guidan�e fram the F�deral Highway Administration (FHWAJ and the PedestriQr� Crass�wa�kPo�icy <br />Development Guidelines (Repflrt 2f]20RIC01}, � Local Raad Research Board study that airns to impro�e pedestrian safety at uncflntroll�d <br />crosswalks. Th� report is a�ailable along with this quick referenc� guide at <br />!� <br />I,RRB <br />