Laserfiche WebLink
Best Lo�ations: <br />� �A � �� <br />�.�' <br />• AADT gr�at�r than 9,aaa <br />• 3 ar mare lan�s <br />• Spe�ds greater than 40 mph <br />• Traffic signal warrants nflt being met <br />• Midblock cro�sings (most cc�mmon}; also succ�ssful at intersections <br />• Dri�rers not yielding to pedestrians in the �rosswafk <br />• Ir�adequate �isif�ility af pedestrians <br />• Traffic volumes not pro�iding adequat� safe gaps <br />far ped�strians ta enter the cros�walk <br />DeSign Co�siderations: <br />• Proxir�ity of closest si�nalized inters�ction <br />• �ost compared to a signal <br />• Pawer source ar sc�lar pawer required <br />• Impact can traffic during aperation <br />• Accessibility: ADA �ampliant ramps, push button� <br />and audibfe cflmponer�t <br />Planning Le�el Cos� ��D19}: <br />• Rang� $21,004] - �128,00[}, Awerage $57,74](] <br />Source: FHWA <br />