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City of Elk River Pond Sampling <br />Elk River, Minnesota <br />September 7, 2023 <br />AET Project No. P-0025977 <br />AM EF! ICAN <br />ENGiNEERING TESTIN6 <br />• Sediment samples will be collected to an approximate depth of 2 to 3 feet from the bottom of the <br />pond. <br />• Two (2) sediment samples will be taken from each of the 6 ponds in the vicinity of the inlet and <br />outlet of each pond. Locations will be logged with a GPS. <br />• Prepare a letter report discussing laboratory data upon completion of laboratory analysis. <br />The soil samples will be submitted to a subcontracted laboratory for a standard turnaround time <br />(approximately 2 weeks). AET will provide the laboratory report as part of a written report to the Client. <br />This proposal is valid for a period of 30 days from the date issued. <br />FEES <br />We propose to complete these services on a time and materials basis not to exceed the budget <br />estimate amount of $10,470.00. This budget is estimated on these categories: <br />1. Labor and Materials $5,400 <br />2. Analytical costs (subcontract to a certified laboratory) $5,070 <br />Total $10,470 <br />TERMS/CONDITIONS <br />All AET Services are provided subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth in the enclosed Service <br />Agreement—Terms and Conditions, which, upon acceptance of this proposal, are binding upon you as <br />the Client requesting Services, and your successors, assignees, joint ventures and third-party <br />beneficiaries. Please be advised that additional insured status is granted upon acceptance of the <br />proposal. <br />ACCEPTANCE <br />AET requests written acceptance of this proposal in the Authorized Client Representative section <br />below, but the following actions shall constitute your acceptance of this proposal together with the <br />Terms and Conditions and Amendments: 1) issuing an authorizing purchase order for any of the <br />Services described above, 2) authorizing AET's presence on site or 3) written or electronic notification <br />for AET to proceed with any of the Services described in this proposal. Please indicate your acceptance <br />of this proposal by signing below and returning a copy to us. When you accept this proposal, you <br />represent that you are authorized to accept on behalf of the Client. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />