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<br /> <br />Jennifer suggested the committee get started on applying for the CMAB Public Art Grant. She also <br />suggested the group meet on Monday afternoons prior to the Together Elk River on the third Monday of <br />the month. <br /> <br />The committee was agreeable to Jennifer’s proposal, but staff will determine what time works best and <br />advise the group later. <br /> <br />Sharon suggested that determining the project type will be the necessary next step toward completing the <br />CMAB grant application. <br /> <br />Brent explained that as both committees are subcommittees of the EDA, the approval will be proposed to <br />the EDA at its next meeting. <br /> <br />3.4 General Updates <br /> <br />This item was not discussed. <br /> <br />4. Adjournment <br /> <br />There being no further business, Josh adjourned the meeting of the special joint meeting of the EDA <br />Beautification and Public Art Committees at 11:13 a.m. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Minutes prepared by Josh Mollan.