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202320232023YTD 202320222022 YTD Budget ANNUALWaterBUDGET VarianceBUDGETVariance Item438,631 1,162,004 836,320 325,684 39 2,503,414 288,572 963,66621(1)438,631 1,162,004 836,320 325,684 39 2,503,414 288,572 963,666212,254 16,356 18,250 (1,894) (10) 36,500 (3,391) (30,388)154(2)1,1347,282 14,000 (6,718) (48) 28,0001,0205,0104512,961 106,877 259,000 (152,123) (59) 518,000 145,247 806,625(87)(3)9757,0357,02510 0 376,034 25,203 147,870(95)(4)17,324 137,551 298,275 (160,724) (54) 958,534 168,078 929,116(85)455,955 1,299,554 1,134,595 164,959 15 3,461,948 456,650 1,892,782(31)7,086 55,493 45,000 10,493 23 90,0005,882 45,7612153,215 287,416 301,500 (14,084) (5) 603,000 39,079 277,622433,650 184,176 178,1256,051 3 337,650 29,254 146,93325(5)97,653 585,077 584,388689 0 1,202,937 91,788 553,74763,112 18,675 18,6750 0 36,3493,279 20,879(11)1052,4131,0331,380 1342,4701531,646476,711 43,434 42,1851,249 3 84,3706,275 37,7791567,674 491,860 542,458 (50,598) (9) 1,032,655 75,840 471,51743533,7429,325 (5,583) (60) 18,6506564,616(19)269,559 1,672,286 1,722,688 (50,403) (3) 3,408,081 252,206 1,560,499700750(750) (100) 1,50000000750(750) (100) 1,500000186,395 (372,731) (588,843) 216,112 37 52,367 204,444 332,282(212)Item Variance of +/- $15,000 and +/- 15%(1) YTD Budget variance is due to actual usage being higher than budget and PYTD variance is due to rate increase and higher usage in 2023.(2) PYTD variance is due to the change in Fair Market Value of Investments. (3) YTD Budget variance is due to than average connection fees. PYTD variance is due to more Connection Fees in 2022.(4) PYTD variance is due to Water Tower lease revenue being recognized annually in 2023 vs monthly in 2022 (GASB 87). (5) PYTD variance is due to a 2023 water main repair and additional Cty Rd 13 expenses which are partially offset by less water meter change outs in 2023. Net Income Profit(Loss)(705,014) Total Expenses(before Operating Transfers)111,786Operating Transfer Utilities & Labor Donated0 Total Operating Transfer0 Customer Accounts Expense5,655 Administrative Expense20,343 General Expense(874) Depreciation & Amortization31,330 Interest Expense(2,205) Other Operating Expense767 Distribution Expense37,243 Misc Revenue(140,835) Total Other Revenue(791,566) Total Revenue(593,227)Expenses Production Expense9,732 Pumping Expense9,794 Connection Fees(699,748)RevenueOperating Revenue Water Sales198,338 Total Operating Revenue198,338Other Operating Revenue Interest/Dividend Income46,745 Customer Penalties2,273ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIESELK RIVER, MINNESOTASTATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET POSITIONFOR PERIOD ENDING JUNE 20232023 YTD Bud Var% YTD 2022 v. 2023 Actual Var%JUNE YTDJUNE YTD VARIANCE59