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<br /> <br />Meeting of the Elk River <br />Multipurpose Facility Advisory Commission <br />Held at the Furniture and Things Community Event Center <br />Monday, July 10, 2023 <br /> <br /> <br />Members Present: Chair Dave Williams, Commissioners Betsy Gulden, Mike Westgaard, <br />Kara Walker <br /> <br />Members Absent: Vice Chair Greg Loidolt, Commissioners Mike Cunningham, Jake Peterson, <br />Jim Hecker <br /> <br />Council Liaison: Commissioner Jennifer Wagner <br /> <br />Staff Present: Assistant City Administrator/Business Services Director Joe Stremcha, <br />Facility Superintendent Tim Dalton, Customer Service Associate Laura Estby <br /> <br /> <br />1. Call Meeting to Order <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the meeting of the Multipurpose Facility Advisory <br />Commission was called to order at 6:33 p.m. by Chair Williams. <br /> <br />2. Consider Agenda <br /> <br />Not required for special meeting. <br /> <br />3.1 Ice/Room/Turf Rates for 2023-2024 <br /> <br /> Mr. Williams presented the staff report. <br /> <br />Staff recommended the rate adjustments be tied to the average five-year inflation rate, in this case <br />4.42%. By utilizing this strategy, the 2023-24 rates would be: Prime $250.61/Hour and Non-Prime <br />(reduced) $187.96/Hour. <br /> <br />Additionally, staff suggested considering a revision to the format dictating prime and reduced ice <br />rates. Currently, all hours sold between September 1 and March 14 are considered prime, and all <br />hours between March 15-August 31 are considered reduced regardless of the time of day. <br />Staff distributed information outlining a revised prime/reduced rate format where the prime rate <br />would apply year-round, with discounted rates from 6a (early morning) - 2p on school days only. The <br />rationale being summer and off-season ice is more expensive to maintain than winter season ice and <br />there is now consistent demand for off - season ice. Another consideration is most off - season ice <br />users have contracts determining their ice rates, so the prime and reduced rates only apply to a small <br />percentage of users. Additionally, this will allow us to set our ice rates closer to the actual cost of <br />providing the service. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wagner suggested reviewing how much ice was sold to users not under contract this <br />summer to see what the difference in revenue would have been. <br /> <br />Consensus by the MFAC to move the vote on ice/room/turf rates until the August 2023 meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />