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What is renewable energy? <br />Renewable energy is generated from facilities powered by <br />wind, solar, bioenergy, Water, and more. <br />11CLEAN ENERGY <br />zi <br />CHOICE <br />Where does the renewable energy for Clean Energy Choice <br />come from? <br />The renewable energy for the Clean Energy Choice program is supplied by Minnesota Municipal Power Agency's <br />renewable resources. MMPA's renewable resources include Wind, solar, and biomass. <br />For more information please visit <br />Does renewable energy flow directly to my business? <br />No. The renewable energy that's generated enters into the "electric grid," so it's difficult to pinpoint exactly where the <br />specific electricity supplying your business originates. However, Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) provided as <br />part of the Clean Energy Choice program guarantee that your renewable purchases are certified renewable energy in <br />Minnesota. <br />What are Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)? <br />Every kilowatt-hour of renewable energy generated by MMPA is assigned a unique REC number to ensure that each <br />unit of renewable energy is accurately tracked. The State of Minnesota also uses RECs to track renewable energy use. <br />The Clean Energy Choice program utilizes these RECs to ensure that you are helping to support sustainable energy <br />systems for the future. <br />Am I committed to a contract term? <br />Yes. Participation in the Clean Energy Choice for Business program is based on an annual contract term. In return, the <br />per -kWh surcharge is fixed for the same time period. You will be informed of any change in the per -kWh surcharge for <br />the upcoming year by November 1, and you have until December 1 to inform us if you want to continue your contract <br />in the new year. <br />Howl much does Clean Energy Choice for Business Cost? <br />An incremental charge of $0.002 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) is added to the standard electric rate. The charge is applied <br />to all kWh in excess of the Minnesota Renewable Energy Standard, which is currently 20% of all electric sales. An <br />example fee table is listed below. <br />Formula: (kWh per month (10,000 x [100%-20%] x $.002) = Clean Energy Choice Additional Surcharge <br />kWh Approximate Clean Energy Choice <br />per Month Electric Charge Additional Surcharge <br />1,000 $100 $1.60 <br />10,000 $1,000 $16 <br />100,000 $10, 000 $160 <br />