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Xcel will reassess investments in Minnesota after regulators' rate hike de... <br />ADVERTISEMENT <br />The utility filed a petition late Thursday asking the PUC to withdraw its $330 million <br />Clean Transportation Portfolio proposal. The centerpiece of that plan would have Xcel <br />building and owning 730 electric vehicle fast chargers in Minnesota <br />( <br />network-sparks-strong--oposition/600256296/)_, which would make the state home to <br />the largest utility -owned charging system in the country. <br />While the $192 million EV charger proposal has garnered praise for filling the state's <br />charging gap, it has been roundly criticized by the EV charging and gas station industries, <br />as well as the Minnesota Department of Commerce and many Xcel ratepayers, who <br />would eventually pay for it. <br />Xcel had dropped its rate request to $440 million from $498 mhllion late last year <br />thtt s:// <br />/600233141n and well below its initial request of $677 million, which would have <br />amounted to a 21% increase. <br />The biggest difference between what Xcel wanted and what Xcel got pivoted on the <br />company's return on equity (ROE). Return on equity is a key measure of profitability, <br />and the PUC granted Xcel an ROE well below what it requested. <br />Minneapolis -based Xcel, which has about 1.3 million Minnesota customers, says it needs <br />the rate increase for a variety of purposes such as basic upkeep of its system and to <br />improve its distribution grid and pay for projects to further "the clean energy transition.' <br />The company's three-year rate proposal came at a time when consumers were already <br />buffeted by rising inflation of all sorts, particularly for energy and food. <br />"Any rate increase is difficult for people," said Annie Levenson -Falk, head of the Citizens <br />Utility Board of Minnesota (CUB), a ratepayer watchdog group. <br />That said, she said CUB "was pleased with the outcome" of Xcel's rate case. "I think the <br />PUC looked really hard to make sure ratepayers don't have to pay more than what they <br />should to support the company's profits and its executive compensation." <br />The PUC denied Xcel's request to approve long-term executive compensation expenses <br />of $24.6 million over three years. Instead, the PUC approved a 15% cap on annual <br />incentive compensation for individual pay. <br />The PUC also approved far less than the $68 million in insurance premium costs that <br />Xcel had wanted to include in its rate increase; and the commission rejected Xcel's <br />request to include several million in company pension contributions in its rate base. <br />The Minnesota Commerce Department, which represents ratepayers before the PUC, <br />had recommended that Xcel get $325 million over three years. <br />Administrative Law Judge Christa Moseng concluded ( <br />/administrative -law -judge says-xcels-rate-increase-request-should-be-lower/600264815/) <br />in April that Xcel should get $384 million over three years. Such judges are often <br />appointed to contentious PUC proceedings, but their rulings are non -binding. <br />171 <br />2 of 3 6/2/2023, 12:04 PM <br />